Report: China and Sweden welcome CPD majors in 2019 | Sportsxchange


With its first major tournament of the 2018-19 season in less than a week, the Dota Pro circuit has announced the dates and venues of two other major, including the first of the 2019 calendar.

Esports Observer announced Monday that Chongqing, China, will hold a major event from January 19 to 27 and that Stockholm will hold another one from March 14 to 24.

The first major of the season begins Friday in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and will continue until November 18.

This leaves the number of majors that remain to be announced to two. There will be a total of five majors this season, down from nine last season. The observer said that Chongqing and Stockholm would serve respectively as second and third majors on the 2018-2019 calendar.

Each major tournament will have a prize pool of $ 1 million, although teams will also compete for CPD points to qualify for the International in Shanghai in August, the first time China will host the showcase. of the season.

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