Rescue of the cave in Thailand: a former naval diver dies during the operation – live | News from the world


The diver died during the operation was named

Former Thai Navy member involved in the rescue died

"We are running against the rain," the coordinator of this rescue operation said yesterday.

This morning in Chiang Rai, some of this rain is expected to arrive. This is a sign that the unusual sun window that the authorities have received this week is coming to an end and that the 12 boys could soon be cut off for months.

Authorities at the cave site give little, but a stream of rescue workers, divers and soldiers continue to arrive and the work of pumping water from the caves is underway.

Yesterday, the target was an area known as room three – still at least two kilometers from the ledge where the boys took refuge. It's unclear if the team can drain enough water for the boys to go out – that's Plan A – but at some point they may decide that enough water is available to take the risk of taking the boys to the exit.

But boys are also safe where they are. If the rains come, the authorities may decide to keep them in the cave until the monsoon eases, perhaps in October, is better to risk a trip into the system of muddy and jagged caves. where they have failed these past 13 days. 22:07 EDT

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