Results for Sabah PKR polls – Nation


KOTA KINABALU: Sabah PKR poll results will be more likely to be announced than scheduled – perhaps even a day or two later.

Sabah PKR Rosali Masaliku election chief coordinator said the committee has yet to get the results. This included the Saturday (Nov. 3) scuffle in Keningau and the attempted takeover of polling center by the central election committee (JPP) members from West Malaysia from JPP Sabah members.

"We are also trying to get things done as fast as we can, but they are just so many problems," he said when contacted.

He said he does not know when the official results can be expected (Sunday, Nov 4).

Rosli said it is frustrating if the central JPPs keep meddling and not allow the Sabah JPPs to do their job.

"We in Sabah need to take care of our own matters, why do they have to take over we can not do the job?" He said.

From the total of 25 divisions in Sabah, only 22 have had their counts done unofficially.

The results seem to indicate that Datuk Seri Mohamed Ali Azmin is leading in the contest for the deputy president's post with contender Rafizi Ramli trailing behind.

For Sunday's 13 divisions, only 11 have had their unofficial results out.

They are Beluran, Putatan, Kudat, Kimanis, Papar, Penampang, Silam, Semporna, Ranau, Kinabatangan and Kota Belud.

Tenom and Pensiangan have yet to complete the counting process.

Keningau has more to do with it.

There are also claims of cheating going on in Pensiangan at press time, with the voting process going past the 5pm deadline.

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