RTM will have a panel of evaluators for Sabah, S & # 39; wak productions


KOTA KINABALU : Televisy Radio Malaysia ( RTM ) will set up a panel specifically charged with evaluating the proposals of local producers for productions in Sabah and Sarawak, announced today. Minister of Communications and Multimedia Gobind Singh Deo

He said that the panel of evaluators would be among local people experienced in the field and who had extensive knowledge of cultures and issues in Sabah and Sarawak.

"We have received proposals from producers, particularly from Sabah and Sarawak, on many talents, particularly young people, who can produce documentaries and short films in these states.

" Therefore, to put in value or promote these talents, we must provide them with a platform to evaluate the proposals. documentaries or short films without having to refer to the peninsula because the panel of assessors is available here, "he said.

Gobind Singh met with reporters after a meeting with staff The minister said that the panel of evaluators would decide whether the documentaries or short films proposed by local producers could be produced or not.

"We have received requests to increase the number of productions and local documentary shows or films on RTM and, with this effort (to have the panel of assessors), we can give local producers the opportunity to show their talents.

Cultural values ​​and local stories, so that we can give local producers a chance to produce their work, with funding from the ministry, "he said. – Bernama

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