S & # 39; wak govt seeks scholarships to study ethnic languages ​​- BorneoPost Online | Borneo, Malaysia, Sarawak Daily News


Abang Johari (center) and Juma 'ani, to his left, in a group photo with (from the second left) Harden, Adi, Fatimah, Rosey (third from right), Jamilah (second from right ) and guests at the Majlis Ramah Tamah Aidilfitri e-DOK 2018.

KUCHING: The Sarawak Government Plans to Grant Postgraduate Scholarships to Sociology Students Who are Interested in Studying Ethnic Languages ​​in Danger in the state.

According to Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari, the languages ​​of the Sarawak ethnic groups are on the brink of extinction, among them the languages ​​Meirek, Kedayan and Kelabit.

"For example at Miri, the Meirek language is already extinct and it is a concern among her community.Therefore, I propose that Yayasan Sarawak awards graduate scholarships to graduate students wishing to attend. 39, writing a sociology thesis that includes languages ​​

"If you want to do research, Yayasan Sarawak will grant a language scholarship for postgraduate students. He pointed out that in doing so, the ethnic languages ​​of Sarawak will be put into practice by the Majlis Ramah Tamah Aidilfitri (DOK 2018), which was held yesterday at the Penview Convention Center (CCP). Once documented, the core of the words will exist and this will allow the next generation to continue learning.

Abang Johari also shared that he has recently suggested to the Kedayan to encourage their children who study sociology in universities to conduct research on the Kedayan language, he added that because of the cultural richness of Sarawak, it is disastrous to preserve the ethnic languages ​​of the people in the world. state as languages ​​serve as "basis for us to understand each other."

On another topic, Abang Johari says the ratio The population of urban and rural areas of the state is now 60 : 40 against 30:70 when Sarawak has acceded to independence.

"That means we succeed in our education system because there are more educated people from rural areas who can meet" It's also the reason why many have migrated to the city to seek suitable jobs with their respective skills and competences, after which they continue to live in cities like Kuching. Bintulu, Miri and some even moved to Singapore or Peninsular Malaysia, "he said.

Following this migration, he said that it should not be denied that assimilation to urban life would result in the second generation When this occurs, traditional culture, including dialect ethnic group, eventually disappears in the long run.

As such, he suggests to those who have migrated to the city not to neglect their culture and continue to preserve them.

Also present were the wife of Abang Johari Datin Patinggi Dato Juma & Tuanku Bujang ani; Welfare, Community Welfare, Women, Minister of Family Development and Childhood, Dato Sri Fatimah Abdullah and Her Husband Datu Dr. Adi Badiozaman Tuah; Assistant Minister of Community Welfare, Datuk Francis Harden Hollis; Assistant Minister of Development of Women, Family and Children, Rosey Yunus; The meeting of Tanjung Datu Datuk Amar Jamilah Anu; and the assembler Telian Yussibnosh Balo

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