Sabah is committed to solving the problem of squatters, says Shafie


The chief minister of Sabah says that it is one of the electoral promises of the Warisan Sabah Party

Shafie Apdal, Chief Minister of Sabah (second from left) visiting the site of the Fire of Kg Cendermata II in Likas

KOTA KINABALU: The Warisan Sabah Party government is committed to solving the problem of squatters in Sabah.

Chief Minister Shafie Apdal, who is the president of the Warisan, said it was part of the promises made in the party's election manifesto. We are planning a long – term solution to solve the problem of squatters in Sabah, but we must plan it in detail first.

"We do not want more people living in squatter areas. This is not only happening in Kota Kinabalu, but also in Sandakan and Tawau (among others). But I realize that this issue can not be solved in a year or two.

"These are some of the points we mentioned in the last elections. (But) it will take time," he said after visiting today the victims of Kg Cenderamata II in the center. temporary relief of Likas.

Shafie said the squatter village Cenderamata II was congested.

Shafie (center) distributing food aid to victims of the Likas temporary relief center

"I asked Kota Kinabalu City Hall to look into this. it's only a short-term solution, "he said.

A total of 783 people, including foreigners, were left homeless after a fire that swept through the squatter camp yesterday. about 600 are inhabitants. As this room is quite small, we will move the victims to other centers for their comfort, safety and health.

"We must make sure that children and elderly people who need medical care are taken care of by the Ministry of Health." Local Government and Housing Minister Jaujan Sambakong said last month that the new government was developing a plan to deal with squatter settlements in Sabah.

Shafie visiting the victims of fire at the Likas Provisional Emergency Center.

After visiting victims who were found homeless after a fire in a squatter settlement in Sandakan, Jaujan said that even though the incident was regrettable, the fires

That was due to the fact that the houses were built too close to each other, which posed a serious risk of fire, he added.

In total, 1,113 people lost their homes after 147 homes. 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 kkkkkkkkk [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[196519651965196519651965196519651965196519651965196519651965196519651965196519651965196519651965196519651965IladitqueSandakanavaitleplusgrandnombredesquattersavec34461suiviparKotaKinabaluavec22938etTawauavec19319

He said that the issue was caused mainly by the rural to urban migration. Fire crushes squatter area, leaving 500 homeless

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