Sg Kandis: a litmus test for the young pakatan government, analysts say | Malaysia


  Expert in geopolitics, Professor Madya Azmi Hassan believes that PKR will win since he has already won the seat of the state of Selangor during the 14th general election, but the party's margin of votes will be revealing. - Photo by Saw Siow Feng
Dr. Madya, an expert in geopolitics, thinks PKR will win since he has already won the seat of the Selangor State during the 14th general election, but the party's margin of votes will be revealing . KUALA LUMPUR, July 21 – The Sungai Kandis by-election will test the public's feelings towards the two-month-old Pakatan Harapan (PH) government and the new Umno alliance. with PAS, according to analysts

. ] Political analysts were of the view that a possible lowering of turnout and the direct struggle between PH and Barisan Nasional (NL), as opposed to the multi-cornered struggle at the 14th general election which included NOT, would play an important role in the first by-election after the May 9th poll.

Geopolitical expert Prof. Madya Azmi Hassan believes that PKR will win since it has already won the Selangor seat in the 14th general election, but the party's margin of votes will be revealing. 19659005] "The winning majority will be interesting because it will translate the acceptance by the people of the PH government up to now and the acceptance of the new political court between Umno and PAS," he said Malay Mail . 9659006] "However, PKR would be able to maintain the seat whatever the participation rate since the majority won by GE14 was important."

PKR's Mat Shuhaimi Shafiei won the seat of Sungai Kandis with 12,480 votes The director of Tahfiz's school, Zawawi Ahmad Mughni, of PKR, will run against the supreme board member of Umno , Datuk Lokman Noor Adam, during the partial election of Sungai Kandis

Faisal Hazis, associate professor at the Universiti Kebangsaan be the first election after the change of direction of Umno and he was eager to see if the party would return to its old habits, which was politics based on race and religion.

He said that it was also interesting to see if the previous PAS votes changed for Umno since the Islamic Party gave way to Umno for a right fight.

He said based on the results of GE14, PH won a large majority in Sungai Kandis, but only managed to capture 55.6 percent of the popular vote.

"A significant number of votes went to Umno and NOT, but in GE14 there was a widespread rejection of Umno or Barisan Nasional, which is why people who did not want to vote for PH voted for the PAS. instead, "he said. no root for Umno in the by-election, unless the Malay party begins to play the racial and religious card, which he says can change the scenario.

"The key to this election is the voter turnout, because at a by-election, voter turnout is generally low, which could affect the bottom line. 39; ensure that their supporters go out and vote. "

" PKR still has a slight advantage because of their power at the state and federal level, and also managed to capture 55 percent of the votes in GE14 Its majority could decline due to a lower turnout, but they should be able to defend it, "said Faisal, adding that there would be no radical change in electoral trends in a short time after the GE14. The politics and international relations of associate professor Mohd Azizuddin Mohd Sani said that Sungai Kandis being a fortress of PKR, the party should not win with a larger majority in by-elections

. rate in a by-election is lower than the general election. This is the main concern of PKR. At the same time, the SAP will not dispute and their supporters will likely vote for the Umno candidate, "he said.

" However, if the votes of non-Malays, or about 30%, are solid, then PKR has a chance to win. In addition to this, they can also get sympathy votes on the loss of the former MP. "

The siege of Sungai Kandis became vacant after the death of Mat Shuhaimi on July 2 of a lymphoma cancer.

Former political secretary of the former Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Azmin Ali

Selangor Umno Vice Chairman of Liu Datuk Mat Nadzari Ahmad Dahlan said the by-election was a good time for the people of Sungai Kandis to express their feelings about the new He also says that social media will be Umno's main campaign method in the race.

"It's the best time for people to show how they feel about the current government's performance, to show their sincerity in the choice of their representative.

"We decided the candidate, and it was interesting that we have a direct and conclusive discussion with the divisions before a decision is made," said Mat Nadzari to Malay [196]. 59025] Mail .

Fahmi Fadzil, chief of communications for PKR, said that despite the victory of GE14, his party should not take it for granted and continue to work hard for the people of Sungai Kandis. came out of a very sad moment for PKR. But we can not take it for granted that we are going to win and that we still have to work hard to show Sungai Kandis's people how concerned the people are about the party.

"This will also be the first by-election where the opposition They have to fight with all the resources and they have and can no longer abuse as they did before, like the mechanisms and allowances of the People will look to see how things will evolve, "he said.

The Sungai Kandis by-election will be held on August 4.

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