Soft Brexit Proposal Welcomed on Both Sides of the Irish Border | Policy


The Irish government says that Theresa May's proposals for Brexit "deserve to be examined," but warned that much work needed to be done to reach an agreement.

Echoing Brexit's chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, Simon Coveney, said he needs to see the white paper before he can move on to negotiations.

Simon Coveney
(@ simoncoveney)

Declaration of the British Government on #Brexit Last night needs and deserves a detailed consideration. We look forward to publishing a White Paper next week so that the EU Task Force can consider a new UK approach.

7 July 2018

In a statement issued Saturday, Coveney reiterated the need for a permanent safety net for the Irish border, which would provide what Ireland regards as a "police force". Insurance "in the event. of a change of government or a scenario without a transaction.

"The position of Ireland is that we want to see the closest possible relationship between the EU and the UK On the backstop for the border, our position remains clear.

"Although our preference is always for a global relationship between the EU and the UK that would solve all the issues, it remains essential that a security device guarantee that under all circumstances, and what Whatever the outcome of negotiations on the EU, future relations, a hard border will be avoided, "he said.

He called on the UK to step up its efforts as warnings indicate that There is only a few more weeks left before the October deadline to reach an agreement.

"Time is running out. I am in regular contact with Michel Barnier and my officials work day after day with the work team he leads, "he said.

The British Chamber of Commerce warned that any attempt to conclude a Brexit The group's chief executive, John McGrane, said it would be a "fudge" and impractical.

"She works very, very hard, moving millimeter by millimeter, and saying we could end up in a customs arrangement is a good thing.

" But everything about trade, it's that it is not just property. The goods do not exist in isolation. Services include the transportation sector, the creative sector, the technology sector – services simply can not be left behind, "he said.

He also stated that an agreement on goods would not remove the need for an Irish border, the issue of the free movement of people on the other side of the border having an impact on employees European citizens, tourism and communities.

The Democratic Unionist Party, which threatened to torpedo the May agreement on the border, welcomed the proposal, describing it as a "reaffirmation of what is a top priority for us," saying that would be bad news for the "Republicans". "Who want to break the United Kingdom.

" It is clear that the whole country will leave the EU together. Republicans may be disappointed as they have done their best to seize this as an opportunity to weaken the union, "said DUP Vice President Nigel Dodds.

Sinn Féin pleaded for a special agreement tailored for Northern Ireland

Scottish Prime Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, welcomed the proposal cautiously.

She said that there was "more realism "and The plan provided for" a step forward, hopefully. "

However, she stated that the project of a foot in the single market of goods and not services resembled the" selection "that the EU rejected.

But she said that softening the red lines meant it was "a game for those who would prefer to see a full market / customs union result". [19659023] Nicola Sturgeon
(@ NicolaSturgeon)

quick thoughts on #chequers [1949] 59013] result …
1. There is more realism than what we have seen before from the British government (although it does not say much!) – so, to that extent, hopefully, a step forward. However …

7 July 2018

The Friday night statement makes it clear that May believes that the proposal for a free trade area for goods and agriculture will avoid the infrastructure and controls at the Irish border.

"This [the plan] would avoid friction at the border, protect jobs and livelihoods, and ensure that both parties respect their commitments to Northern Ireland as part of their future relationship".

He stated that the United Kingdom would "honor the letter and spirit of the Belfast Agreement" on the peace signed 20 years ago and that the agreement would be so profound and that the "backstop" agreed in December "should not be in force".

Brussels made it clear from the outset that the protective mechanism is mandatory and without which no withdrawal agreement can be concluded or an arranged transition period.

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