Stop all investigations under the Sedition Act and the AMC, according to Amnesty


Amnesty International Malaysia has called on the Malaysian authorities to terminate all investigations under the Sedition Act 1948 and the Communications and Multimedia Act (1998) until such time as that both laws be examined. Acting Executive Director, Gwen Lee, was concerned that the activist lawyer Fadiah Nadwa Fikri was called for police investigations under both section laws. she had written about the monarchy

. an activist being investigated for expressing her views peacefully since the new government took office.

"This news is shocking, as Pakatan Harapan has indicated in his election manifesto on the commitment to repeal these two laws and not to target individuals who express their opinions and their views. opinions peacefully, "said Lee

. The Harapan government to act on its overt promises by repealing the Sedition Act and other laws that "arbitrarily restrict the right to freedom of expression", including the CMA as well as the 1984 Act on presses and publications. To strengthen and protect freedom of expression in Malaysia, Shye added, the government should ratify and implement the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, along with other international human rights treaties. of the man. Saifuddin Abdullah, July 2, on the government's commitment to sign six fundamental conventions on human rights. "

In his campaign manifesto, Harapan promised to abolish draconian laws such as the Sedition Act and the Privacy Act, as well as the revision of the CMA

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