Tag Archives: death

DR Congo Ebola death toll rises to 164

[ad_1] In mid-Octobe­r, Congol­ese author­ities said they were facing a ‘second wave’ of the outbre­ak Health workers, wearing head-to-toe protective gear, prepare for work outside an isolation unit in Foya District, Lofa …

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Malaysia reports death by HFMD in a child from Sarawak

[ad_1] The Malaysian Ministry of Health (MSH) reports that a child died Saturday suspected of foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) <img class = "full-size-wp-image-11302" src = " http://outbreaknewstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/600px-HFMD_soft_palete_oropharynx.jpg "alt =" Hand Foot and Mouth …

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