Tan Cheng Bock has not yet decided the role to play in the opposition coalition, according to a small window to effect a political change, Singapore News & Top Stories


SINGAPORE – Tan Cheng Bock, former veteran MP of the People's Action Party (PAP), said that at the age of 78, he had only been in charge. a "small window of opportunity" to make changes to Singaporean politics

. The opposition coalition that he was asked to lead, he wrote in a Facebook post on Sunday, July 29: "I think I have to help but in what capacity, I do not have decided."

to discuss the possibility of forming a coalition to challenge the upcoming general election, which will be held by 2021. Dr. Tan attended as the observer.

The proposal, announced by the Democratic Party of Singapore (SDP), has sparked speculation about such an alliance prospects and whether such a gambit would work with voters.

On Sunday, opposition politicians said that the opposition unit is something that they have been trying to reach for a while. First, it allows smaller parties to come under a larger unified banner. But the problems remain to be solved, including personality conflicts and political differences

It is unclear whether the proposed coalition will include Singapore's two main opposition parties – the Workers Party (WP) and the Party. People's Republic of Singapore (SPP)). Both were invited to the meeting but did not go.

The WP remained uninvited Sunday, saying it "is going through a leadership transition and is focusing on strengthening the organization to better serve the Singaporeans"

. Pritam Singh took the helm as WP Secretary General, succeeding Low Thia Khiang, who was party leader for 17 years.

SPP President Lina Chiam told The Straits Times: "An intensive commitment to understanding Singaporeans' feelings and feelings. But, she added, "we are open to a conversation with Dr. Tan Cheng Bock to hear his views on the future of Singapore."

The last coalition of opposition to be formed was the Democratic Alliance of Singapore in 2001. Later, Mr. Goh Meng Seng, leader of the People's Power Party, said on Sunday that he was the only one to be elected. it was "premature to say that this coalition will definitely be formed, because there will be a lot of

" In his article, Dr. Tan alluded to possible concerns.He noted that the seven parties no They had not obtained a parliamentary seat in the last decade and said he had advised them to put Singapore's interests ahead of their party's interest to do better

. that some of them may have to withdraw and serve from the back-shop if it's for the sake of the country. "

Political observer Derek da Cunha had already wrote Facebook that "mingling with this particular crowd – which, in the hierarchical order Non-PAP parties rank as third, fourth, and fifth, not doing anything for Dr. Tan's reputation. "

To this, Dr. Tan replied: also on Facebook: "I believe that the men and women I met yesterday were more than willing to give way to better men and women who would take the place of they have guts, they went to the water. "

26-year-old MP and presidential candidate He added that he "may have only a short time to coach a team to work for the good of the nation". "I want to build on my past years and pass on to the next generation all that I have learned and learned in the political arena".

The announcement of the opposition sparked a mix of reactions across the political spectrum. Some, like the 43-year-old PAP activist Nelson Goh, who once served in Dr. Tan's riding as a local leader, have expressed surprise that opposition parties have invited a former politician from PAP to lead the grouping. He added, "We should look at the history, performance and leadership displayed by these parties over the past two decades."

The former SPP candidate, Ravi Philemon, said: "The opposition unit has been spoken for a very long time." Personally, I think the way to go from it would be that the SDP invite Dr. Tan to lead this party, while the other members of the current party withdraw and allow him to move things forward. I think that many other opposition parties that are not part of the coalition would be

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