Teachers in this Indonesian city are no longer allowed to give their homework to students


Homework has long been a scourge to schoolchildren around the world, but students of 39, an Indonesian city are anxious not to do so The Education Council of the city of Blitar, in East Java, has decided that teachers are no longer allowed to give homework to their students. students, in the hope that students will spend more on their homework. According to the head of council, Mr. Sidik, the decision was made last year, with the implementation of five days of school for junior high school students (SMP)

. ] However, the move was not widely informed by teachers and evaluations revealed that there were still teachers who were assigning homework to the students.

On Monday, Mr. Sidik said that an official letter would be distributed and distributed.

"Students should be allowed to learn from their families and communities. Now, many students are not able to differentiate two different plants. Sidik tells Kompas

In the absence of duty, Sidik hopes that students will have more time to mingle with their social circles and learn valuable skills such as cooking , gardening and creating arts. He also suggested that students attend Islamic schools during their free time.

Sidik also introduces an extracurricular education program (PLS) during long vacations so that students can use their free time to learn information outside the norm.

Although this initiative in the city of Blitar is rather unusual, they are not the first in the world to apply it. The Finnish education system is renowned for having prevented their teachers from doing their homework, but it still manages to rank among the world's best in education.


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