Thai cave rescue divers benefiting from diplomatic immunity


SYDNEY : Two Australian divers who helped extract the young football team trapped in a Thai cave got diplomatic immunity before the rescue in case of failure, reported Monday the broadcaster National ABC . The team of "Wild Boars" was stuck in the cave in northern Thailand for 18 days before the Thai Navy SEAL and international cave diving experts successfully removed them for three days.

Anesthetist Richard Harris and his diving partner Craig Challen, two cave diving specialists, played a key role in the rescue.

Their participation comes after the negotiations between the Australian and Thai authorities gave them diplomatic immunity to protect them against possible prosecution if something went wrong during the unfair mission, ABC ] reported, quoting an official source. the foreign affairs department refused to confirm or deny the report, referring questions about the planning and implementation of the rescue to the Thai authorities.

The mission was "absolutely dead and alive" and cave diving specialists were uncertain. After successfully rescuing the 12 boys and their coach, Challen told the local media after returning home.

"It was not dangerous for us, but I can not stress enough how dangerous it was for children. ] Sunday Times.

The children were sedated to the point that they "did not know what was going on" to prevent them from panicking while they were being led by the divers along the ti. Mr. Challen added.

"They had drugs, we could not have kids panicked there, they would have committed suicide and also killed the rescuer."

Divers said to be trained over from the ground with local children in a nearby pool, before practicing with the boys trapped

Navigating through a narrow section of the tunnel in total darkness was particularly difficult, the British diver Jason Mallinson told

There is only the time you know about (the section) when your head hits the wall, "he said, describing his efforts to shake a boy. He was saving through every obstacle

"I was confident of taking the child out. I was not 100% sure to get him out alive.

"Because if we hit him against a rock too strong and he dislodged that mask and flooded his mask, he was a goner … We did not have any"

Doctors say that the boys, who recover at the hospital after their extraction last week, are in good health – AFP

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