The 7th grade gets a perfect score on the exam for writing a "legitimate" joke, World News


In the United States, a teacher had a great time checking papers recently, thanks to the witty and humorous response of her seventh grade student.

Evelyn Lizette shared on Twitter on Monday, October 15th, part of the exam she gave the students, asking them to tell a joke for a point. One of his students nailed this part of the exam with two simple words: "Our President".

"Sort the papers. That's what made it all night, "Lizette told the social networking site, even on behalf of US President Donald Trump. His ticket quickly became viral, with over 6,000 retweets and nearly 25,000 "likes" at the time of writing this article.

Some netizens have read the student's answer, as for example ss (@shasimss) who wondered how old the student was, to which Lizette replied: "7th grader. Little smart guy.

Photo: Twitter / EvelynALizette

However, a netizen, Trump's boss (@ NeverTrump1214), was a little worried: "Be careful, I totally agree, but that could get you into trouble."

"I did not make the political question, he did it," the teacher replied.

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Meanwhile, Internet user Marjorie Freedman (@mrfphd) was curious to know how many points in total matched the test, which Lizette answered "50".

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And what was the student's grade on the test? Lizette revealed that the student had obtained an A.

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