The AC Milan president, Mirabelli, questions about striker changes: Morata? Motionless?


AC Milan sports director Massimiliano Mirabelli reported on his transfer plans

and rejected Suso's claims to Inter Milan

"Buffon? I'm glad for him, I would never have thought that at 40, Gigi would go play for one of the biggest clubs in Europe, "said Mirabelli,

" Motionless or Morata? "If some of our attackers move on, then those we bring must be better than them and consistent with the style of play that Rino has in mind

" We must be positive and remind ourselves "I think of the field and I expect the future to be great: the guys came back with enthusiasm."

"None. agents of our great players came to ask us if they left the Suso club, he has a release clause abroad and he always insisted that he wanted to stay

"I hope it will do it, but it certainly will not do it." Go to Inter There is one thing I can assure you: Milan will not offer its players elsewhere and will not sell their best players

Negotiations started for anybody, the coach would always have the last word. "

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