The Flame of the Asian Games Symbol of India, Indonesian Friendship: Susanti | sport


TEMPO.CO Jakarta – Indonesian legend of badminton Susy Susanti said that the torch of the Asian Games that she just picked up from New Delhi, is a symbol The friendship between Indonesia and India

The torch would also serve as a symbol for the successful implementation of the Asian Games and for the Indonesian athletes, as a host , she said when she arrived in India on Tuesday.

"The process of carrying the flame of the Asian Games is an incredible experience for me, the process went smoothly, with the exception of a minor hurdle trying to enter the Indian airport, "she told reporters. Read also: The Asian Games flame arrives in Yogyakarta

Yuyu Sutisna, Chief of Staff of the Air Force Marshal, confirms that he There is a problem when the airport authorities in New Delhi try to stop them from carrying the torch.

"In accordance with the security of civil aviation, even a cigarette is not allowed on a plane, but we asked the local authorities for permission to take the flame of the Asian Games ( in Indonesia), even though the process of obtaining clearance took time, "he said

From New Delhi aboard a Boeing 737-500 belonging to the Indonesian Air Force, the flight lasted about 11 hours "We left (New Delhi) to take over on Saturday, July 14. The flame was kept a night at the Indonesian embassy in India, before being flown to Indonesia, "he remarked

. Yogyakarta was chosen as the starting point for the Asian Games Torch Relay in Indonesia. According to Erick Thohir, chairman of the Asian Games Organizing Committee of 2018.

Read also: The 2018 Asian Games Torch Relay begins in Yogyakarta

The Right City as a Point of Reference Starting the Asian Games rally is important because the Asian Games are not only a sporting event, but a means to promote tourism and the image of Indonesia around the world. The 2018 Asian Games Torch Relay began its 18,000-kilometer journey Sunday from New Delhi National Stadium, where the flame was first lit at the inaugural ceremony. published in 1951.

In Indonesia, the relay will cover 18 provinces across the country, before the implementation of the 18th Asian Games to be co-organized by Jakarta and the provincial capital of Palembang, Sumatra from South. from August 18 to September 2, 2018.


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