The Government of Malaysia releases a final report on the investigation


The mystery MH370 is finally about to be buried

On Monday morning, the Malaysian government issues what it says is its final report on the fate of the plane.

Years of investigations have been successful. no concrete conclusion on what killed the plane in March 2014.

With the publication of this final report, a number of questions remain unanswered.


July 30 The Malaysian government will release a much anticipated report on the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, according to the Minister of Transport.

In May of this year, the country canceled a private underwater search of the plane, which became one of the world's greatest aviation mysteries when it disappeared with 239 aboard Kuala Lumpur in Beijing on March 8, 2014.

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The investigation team will inform families of aboard the report to the Ministry of Transportation on July 30, "said Minister Anthony Loke. "Every word recorded by the investigation team will be filed in this report," he told reporters, adding that a press conference would follow the briefing in camera

"It will be filed in full, without any amendments, additions, or "

The report will be posted online, with hard copies distributed to families and accredited media, among others," said Mr. Loke.

Voice 370, a group representing relatives, has already urged the Malaysian government to review the theft, including "any falsification or possible destruction of MH370-related documents and its maintenance"

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The only traces confirmed 779003 Research canceled by Malaysia on May 29 by US company Ocean Infinity covered 112,000 square kilometers in the south of the Indian Ocean in three months, It was the second major search after Australia, China and Malaysia ended an unsuccessful search of 200 million dollars on an area of ​​120,000 square kilometers last year.

Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said he would resume research if new clues were revealed.


For more than four years, the world has been questioned about the disappearance of the Boeing 777 en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur

The plane departed Kuala Lumpur at 08:41 local time on 8 March 2014. 239 people were on board, including six Australians.

About two hours after take-off, the aircraft deviated from its planned route to Beijing, turning south-west.
READ MORE: Why did not anyone trigger the alarm on MH370?

He sent an automatic satellite communication seven and a half hours after take-off

Then he disappeared completely.

An international search followed soon after, with a total of 26 countries searching the waters off Vietnam. On May 5, Malaysia, Australia, and China announced that they were willing to conduct an underwater search led by the Australian Transportation Safety Board – but there had been no answer.

A year after the start of the investigation, a fragment of the aircraft wing was found in Reunion Island, thousands of kilometers from Kuala Lumpur.

But despite repeated searches since the disappearance of the plane until May year, it remains a mystery.


Experts over the years have offered a number of theories about what happened to the plane, ranging from A mechanic The Malaysian government and the Australian Transportation Safety Board have adopted the theory that passengers and the flight crew – including Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah – have fallen unconscious. because of a lack of oxygen. A version of this theory suggests that the supply of oxygen has been deliberately hacked.

Murder Suicide: InMay this year, a team of aviation specialists at 60 Minutes came to the conclusion that Capt Zaharie had shot down the plane. an act of murder-suicide, having planned a flight plan nowhere on his house simulator.

The suggested reasons for doing this range from rumors that his marriage was in trouble, to a political protest against Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, as a means of destabilizing the corrupt government of Najib Razak

May this year, a team of aviation experts called the theory of murder-suicide "absurd".

Remote Takeover: Former Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad suggested that a remote takeover took place to counter an attempted diversion of

"The ability to do that is there," he said in March. You know how much people can fly unmanned planes. Even combat aircraft must be unmanned.

"Some technologies can be read in the press but many military meanings are not published."

Chinese terrorist group: A shadow group called the Chinese The Martyrs Brigade claimed the disappearance of MH370 just days after the disappearance of the plane – but those responsible were skeptics and said the claim could be a hoax.

The group had never heard of killing a member of our clan, we will kill 100 in return. "

But the message does not provide any details about what caused the theft.

Suspicious passengers: In another theory, the suspicions

But the authorities concluded that it was unlikely that one or the other man had links to terrorism or had anything to do with the disappearance of the aircraft

[19659003] Many questions remain about the disappearance of MH370

Was all this a tragic accident? Was there any sinister motives? The aircraft a- Has the captain been hijacked by somebody?

The families of the missing passengers no doubt hope that this report will provide essential answers.

But if we never find out what really happened to MH370 remains a mystery. [ad_2]
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