The head of civil aviation resigns one day after the release of the security probe MH370 – Nation


JAYA PETALING: Datuk Seri Azharuddin Abd Rahman resigned from his position as President of the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM)

In a statement released Tuesday, July 31, Azharuddin said that he resigned "after much thought and reflection".

He said that the resignation would take effect fourteen days from the date of the notice of resignation, ie Tuesday, July 31.

The announcement occurs a day after the publication of the MH370 security investigation report.

"Although the report does not suggest that the accident was caused by the Department of Civil Aviation, there were nonetheless very apparent conclusions regarding the operations of the Traffic Control Center. Kuala Lumpur Air Force, where it was stated that the controller failed to comply with some standard operating procedures, "he said.

He said that he had tried his "best level" to help search for the missing MH370 for the last four years, and is "resolved" to find the one in charge. investigating the safety aspects of the MH370 concluded that they were not able to determine the actual cause of the disappearance of the aircraft, but did not rule out the possibility that "unlawful interference" from a third party caused

the security investigation team of the Annex 13 of the Organization of the United States. International Civil Aviation (ICAO), which issued its 449-page report after a four-year wait, also dispelled fears that its findings would be final. who was traveling from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, disappeared on March 8, 2014 with 227 passengers and 12 crew members aboard.

The disappearance of the aircraft has been dubbed one of the greatest aviation mysteries of all time.

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