The international reaction to the Trump-Putin meeting is mixed


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The tablo The Bild newspaper titled on Tuesday: "Reactions to the Trump-Putin meeting : Too weak, too submissive – a shame! "

The Munich newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, writes that" for Europe, this poses problems. "Trump offered Putin bromances rather than clear words

Trump's meetings with Putin crowned six days of chaos at the NATO Summit in Brussels by threatening defense spending allies and distinguishing Germany. "We can no longer rely entirely on on the White House, "German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas told the Funke press group on Monday." To maintain our partnership with the United States, we need to readjust it, the first clear consequence is that we must align ourselves even more closely in E urope. "


While Trump was criticized at home, Putin returns unsurprisingly Most Western analysts agreed that the Russian leader had achieved his goals simply by getting face-to-face meetings, a step towards the normalization of relations after Moscow's interventions in Ukraine, the US presidential election and other transgressions.

The Russian economy is in trouble after being hit with international sanctions for its annexation of Crimea in 2014, its support for the separatists who are fighting the government in eastern Ukraine and its alleged interference in the US presidential elections of 2016.

Before Trump and Putin Even sitting, the Russian Foreign Ministry raised the eyebrows by "loving" a tweet from Trump criticism about the US inquiry into the 39, electoral interference.

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