The Laos Dam collapses: Thousands of people affected, hundreds missing


An unknown number of houses were washed away in the torrent, with aerial images of the consequences of what appear to be whole villages submerged by muddy brown water. Survivors could be seen hung on the roofs, while others paddled through the flooded areas on makeshift rafts.

According to the United Nations, 20 people were reported dead and many others reportedly missing and presumed dead. The exact number of people affected remains uncertain.

The Xepian Xe Nam Noy Dam, part of the $ 1 billion hydroelectric project financed by South Korea, was still under construction when the rupture occurred around 8 pm. Monday evening.

The collapse of the dam, occurred suddenly and without warning, released about 5 billion cubic meters of water – the equivalent of 2 million Olympic pools – in the surrounding countryside of the Attapeu province, Laos. news agencies

Laos is considered one of the least developed countries in the world. Attapeu province, located near the Cambodian border, is home to about 140,000 people, many of whom live near the fluvial system that feeds the failing dam.

The Office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Laos reported that 11,777 people were affected by the collapse of the dam, with up to 6,000 displaced persons.

Lao Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith suspended a scheduled monthly meeting of the government to oversee relief and relief efforts, the agency said.

Authorities have issued a public appeal for emergency assistance to flood victims. water and medications.

It is known that the disaster affected at least six villages in Sanamxay District, Attapeu province. The authorities of Laos have not yet given any official information on the severity of the damage to the dam, the causes of its failure or the regression of the floods.

Ratchaburi Electricity Generating Holding Publicly traded company, one of the four shareholders of the dam, The dam project was completed at 90% and is expected to begin trading next year, said Mr. Ratchaburi.

Mekong Development

The failed dam, which is part of a series of dams, was intended to generate hydroelectric power.

The hydroelectric power and electricity generation are two of the main industries of Attapeu. The Laotian Government

The incident highlighted the development of the Mekong Delta region, and aid groups like the US International Rivers warn that the collapse of the dam should serve as a Warning for future development. Communities have not received enough warnings to ensure their safety and that of their families, which raises important questions about dam standards and dam safety in Laos, including their relevance to weather and risk, "said the group.

The pressure to build dams throughout the Mekong Delta has raised many controversies

while dam advocates claim that they will contribute to low growth of renewable electricity. Around the world, long-term changes in the environment and the ecosystem, especially fishing, have been controversial. "The fisheries of the Mekong River Basin are a vital resource, providing food security and livelihoods for millions of people, many of whom have limited opportunities to increase their food production or income," according to a published report. by the Mekong River Commission in December 2017

Dam construction began in February 2013. It was expected to cost about $ 1.02 billion. Four companies were in charge of the company: Ratchaburi, Korea Western Power Co., Ltd., SK Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. and Lao State Holding Enterprise, a state-owned company, according to a website that seems belong to the consortium building the dam.

The site indicates that the project is expected to produce 1,879 gigawatt hours of electricity per year, of which 90% was expected to be exported to Thailand. SK Engineering & Construction Co., which is building the dam, has sent a rescue team including helicopters and boats to Laos, the South Korean Foreign Ministry said in a statement released on Tuesday.

According to the ministry, 53 Koreans who worked on the site were evacuated.

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