The last: Musk says that he visited the Thai cave, left little under


MAE SAI, Thailand – The latest on the rescue of a youth football team from a flooded cave in Thailand (all local):

8 pm

Elon Musk says that he visited the flooded cave in northern Thailand where a youth football team was trapped and left a mini-submarine there for future use.

The tech entrepreneur tweeted Tuesday morning that he had just returned from Cave 3, referring to the Rescuers Command Center. . He posted photos of the inside of the cave and a video showing people making their way through the water of the chest.

Musk offered a submarine the size of a kid named Wild Boar after the football team. surgery. He posted videos of the submarine tested in a California pool with simulated narrow passages like the cave.

Divers rescued eight of the boys. Four boys and the coach are still inside, and the authorities have indicated that they are continuing their efforts up to now to get the boys out by experienced divers.


10 pm

The rescue operation of the Thai caves indicates that the four boys came out of the cave flooded by divers Monday are "safe and aware" and are now hospitalized.

Acting Governor of Chiang Rai Narongsak Osatanakorn also said at a press conference that what was the second day of a high-stakes rescue effort, took less time than the one of Sunday because of the accumulated experience and more people involved.

Eight of the 13 trapped people – a total of 12 boys and their 25-year-old football coach – have now been saved.

Narongsak says it's not sure if the remaining five people will be extracted in one or more operations.

He said that the Prime Minister of Thailand, who visited the cave site on Monday, went to visit one of the eight boys at the hospital


8:20 pm

An assistant to the commander Thai marine SEAL says that four boys were released from the flooded cave in northern Thailand on Monday and that the rescue operation is over for the day

The assistant, Sitthichai Klangpattana, n & rsquo; Did not comment on the boys' health and did not say how much the operation had taken place.

In total, eight of the 12 boys were out of treason The cave system was set up by divers, four of whom were unearthed Sunday, when the rescue operation began.

The boys and their 25-year-old coach were trapped on June 23 after heavy rains.



In total, four ambulances left the area surrounding the flooded cave of northern Thailand, where members of a football team were trapped for more than two weeks, suggesting that eight of the 13 people trapped do not have

The Thai authorities have been crystal clear about the rescue operation and will not rule on the number of abductees on Monday.

On Sunday, teams of divers took out four of the boys trapped, but waited for several


Two more ambulances were seen leaving the site of a flooded cave in the Northern Thailand where young members of a football team and their 25 year old … the former coach was trapped for more than two weeks

This brings to three the number of 39 Ambulances who left the site Monday during the second day of a high-risk operation to get the boys out of a maze system formed on Sunday, teams of divers pulled out four of the trapped boys, but waited several hours before confirming their rescue safely.

The authorities were closely linked to the progress of Monday's operation.

___ [19659032] 6:10 pm

The Thai authorities complain about who was inside an ambulance who left the site of a flooded cave Monday, as the day before when four of the 13 people trapped inside the subterranean complex were

Multiple calls to senior officials and military personnel leading the operation to rescue the members of the football team of the young people rang unanswered Monday night.

On Sunday, officials waited several hours after the rescued boys were transported to hospitals to announce their rescue.

On Monday morning, eight boys and their trainer remained in the cave where they were trapped by floods since June 23rd.


5:40 pm

Thai Public Television broadcast live video of a medivac helicopter landing near a hospital in Chiang Rai City, near the site of the cave where a youth football team was trapped for more than two weeks.

A person on a stretcher hid the identity of the person behind several white umbrellas. An ambulance was seen leaving the scene immediately after Monday night.

Less than an hour earlier, an ambulance with flashing lights had left the complex a few hours after the start of the second phase of a rescue operation.

Monday morning, nine people remained trapped in the cave, including the coach of the 12-member team, after four boys were rescued Sunday, the first day of the operation safety.



An ambulance with flashing lights left a cave complex in northern Thailand a few hours after the start of the second phase of a rescue operation. 39, a youth football team trapped in the cave flooded for more than two weeks. An ambulance was seen leaving the complex around 5 pm On Monday, a helicopter took off. Authorities said the helicopters were ready to take evacuees to a hospital. It is not known who was inside the ambulance or the helicopter.

Narangsak Osatanakorn, acting governor of Chiang Rai, said the second phase began Monday at 11 am and the authorities hoped to hear good news. A few hours. "

Nine people remained trapped in the cave, including the team coach, after four boys were rescued on Sunday, the first day of the rescue operation. [19659045] ___


They said they had resumed operations to rescue members of a boys' football team trapped in a flooded cave after successfully getting four boys out on Sunday.

They said that the four boys already saved are hungry but are in good health in a hospital 19659053] The second operation began at 11 am local time on Monday.This took several hours.

Officials said at the time. a press conference that the parents of the rescued boys, whose names have not been released, have not yet been allowed to have physical contact with them, pending further examination of their condition are to to inside the cave and with the team coach. The operation to get them out was supposed to resume only after new oxygen tanks could be placed along their escape route, which is partially under water.



According to the Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 19 Australian personnel are involved in the relief operation in Thailand, including a physician who has played a vital role in the assessment of boys. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop told reporters in Australia that anesthetist and experienced diver Richard Harris was working with the Thai medical team inside the cave "to make decisions regarding the Order in which the boys were to be extracted. "

On Sunday, four of the 12 boys were rescued from a flooded cave in northern Thailand, where they were trapped with their football coach for more than two weeks. Crews will have to replenish the air tanks along the road before rescuing the others.


10:35 am

The Thai Interior Minister says that the same divers participated in the rescue of four boys trapped in a flooded cave. Interior Minister Anupong Paojinda said the authorities were meeting Monday morning about the next stage of the operation and how to extract the rest of the operation. nine people from the cave in the north of the country.

Anupong said that divers must place more cans of air along the underwater road where the boys and their coach have been trapped since June 23rd. 19659066] He stated that the boys rescued on Sunday are strong and safe, but that they must undergo thorough medical examinations.


8:45 AM

Rescuers in a Thai cave where eight boys and their trapped football coach Emain woke up in a cloudy sky after a night of heavy rains monsoon swept the mountainous region for several hours

It was not clear Monday how the night rains had affected the water levels in the flooded cave. Authorities said the planned storms in Chiang Rai Province in the far north of Thailand had taken into account their decision to go ahead with a complicated and dangerous plan for the boys and their coach dive out of the cave. 60% chance of rain on Monday with thunderstorms expected throughout the week.

Four of the boys were rescued on Sunday, and authorities said the next phase could begin at any time in a 10-hour window.

8:00 am

Space Rock company Elon Musk tests a "child-sized submarine" that could be sent to help the boys trapped in a flooded cave in Thailand

] sub being tested at a pool midaf Sunday after California time. If the tests succeed, the submarine will be placed on a 17-hour flight to Thailand

Four of the boys were rescued on Sunday, and authorities are now working to replenish the air tanks along the road. exit of the cave. They say that saving the remaining eight boys and their football coach could take up to four days.

A spokesman for the Tunnel Unit of Musk & Boring Co., which has four engineers at the cave, said that Thai officials have asked for the device. help children through the narrow and flooded passages of the cave.


2:10 am

Authorities say it could take up to four days to complete the rescue of eight boys and their football coach

Authorities temporarily stopped their efforts Monday to replenish the air tanks along the cave exit road.

Sunday's expert divers managed to secure four of the 12 boys. They were quickly transported to a hospital in Chiang Rai City, the provincial capital.

The names of the rescued boys were not disclosed.

Rescuers set up a dangerous and complicated plan to rescue children from heavy rain and rising groundwater

The whole group was trapped for more than two weeks

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