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- Posted on Friday, 13 July 2018 13:41
He could hold the world record for the longest nails in the world, but the acclaim was very high for this Indian national.
Shridhar Chillal, of Pune, India, had been nailing his left hand since 1952 after being reprimanded at the age of 14 for accidentally breaking his professor's long fingernail
The Guardian the teacher told Shridhar that he would not understand the amount of care to grow a fingernail unless he has tried it himself.
The 88-year-old certainly took his words to heart. it was measured for the last time at 909.6 cm, a huge difference from his first appearance on the Guinness World Records in 1979 when his nails were 219.7 cm in length.
Individually, his longest nail was 197.8 cm.
Despite the difficulties he encountered when he was cultivating his nails, as Shridhar had said Guinness World Records that he had to be careful when he slept lest he break, he managed to become a photographer, using a custom handle to accommodate his long nails when he was using the camera.
But years of growth of his nails had taken their toll as the weight of the nails left his hand permanently disabled when he can not open his hand from a closed position or flex fingers.
"I suffer, all hearts beat every five fingers, my wrist, my elbow and my shoulder hurt. Shridhar tried to cut his nails using ordinary clippers, but it turned out futile, so he flew to New York to get a doctor to remove them, said Guinness World Records. a process that Patch New York [19659022] reported a hand-mill and took about 20 minutes
The historic nail-cutting event took place at Ripley & # Believe It or Not! In Times Square, New York, where his nails are currently on display, he told Patch New York: "Now, my nails will be remembered forever and my nails will always be seen by people from all over the world." [19659007] – MD
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