The man wants to drink hideous red liquid found in the mystery sarcophagus


When a mysterious black sarcophagus with a cursed air was dug up by archaeologists in Alexandria, Egypt this week, people had very reasonable questions and reluctance to open it. Questions like, what will we do when the grasshoppers come and the darkness falls on the Earth? Is viral marketing for the new movie "Mummy" that nobody wanted?

When it was opened, a mummified family of three, or perhaps a trio of military officers, was found floating in a sewage soup having entered the sarcophagus through lateral cracks . Plus, it smelled so bad that people trying to open it had to pause for a while after opening the lid to air things out a bit.

"I was the first to put all my head inside the sarcophagus," says Mostafa Warizi of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, "and I stand here before you."

"I I'm fine, "he added in an apparent attempt to attempt fate

mummies and / or immaculate curses, but a Scotsman seems to have had a very different reaction: Innes McKendrick launched a petition for drink the sewage, and more than 2,300 people signed it

The petition is entitled "Let people drink the red liquid from the dark sarcophagus."

You could ask, a petition to whom? It is addressed to "King of Skeletons, Egypt".) And why?

"We must drink the red liquid of the dark sarcophagus cursed in the form of a kind of carbonated energy drink so we can assume his powers and finally die, "explains the petition [1965] 9047] The reasons the signatories planned to sign include: "We just ran out of milk and it's breakfast time"; "I want the power of the old gods"; "That's what we have to do"; "I want to be crunk on bone juice"; "I want to drink the skeleton juice"; "I would like to drink some of the liquid sarcophagus"; "We want the forbidden juice"; McKendrick is not interested in hearing from opponents who say the liquid is sewage.

"Please, stop trying to tell me that the skeleton juice is mainly composed of sewage that can not be skeletons.

Unfortunately, the interest in drinking the skeleton of sewage can increase unsustainably.

"Ok, stop sharing this now," tweeted McKendrick after 648 signed the petition.

McKendrick told SFGATE that he found the level of support for drinking the forbidden juice "overwhelming", but not quite surprising.

"When news of the dark sarcophagus was announced, people united behind the idea of ​​an optimistic and self-determined future, where simply opening the lid of a cursed grave could propel us into a hopeful new world where the ancient Egyptian gods block the sun and tear every atom of the earth, "he said via a Twitter message." After opening the black and cursed Sarcophagus did not failed to harvest the results we were looking for, consume the extremely hexagonal liquid inside seems to be the natural evolution. "

" Consuming the cursed skeleton juice in the form of a drink High-Caffeinated Carbonate Expect him to exploit as much power as possible from the ancient tomb, he continued, thereby maximizing the probability of the catastrophic destruction of the earth and bringing the big and refreshing go "[19659040″Jen'avaisjamaismangéquelquechosedecomparableauniveaudepuissance”ditMcKendrick”maisj'avaisl'habitudedeboire(Buck)Buckfast”-unvintoniqueenrichidecaféine-“quiestaussiprofondémentmaudit”19659040] Filipa Ioannou is a copywriter of SFGATE, send her by email to [email protected] and follow her on Twitter

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