The PC Classic is the retro DOS console of our dreams


The appetite for retro gaming continues to be fierce, but it’s unlikely even the most ardent old school gamer saw this one coming. While we can currently enjoy games from the original PlayStation, Nintendo and Sega consoles, few expected a mini PC box running on DOS.

The PC Classic from Unit-E comes in atypical dull beige box (by design, of course) befitting of the 90s era of PC gaming. It offers joystick support, a pair of USB ports and, unlike some consoles, support for games on SD cards.

The video shows games like the original Doom, Commander Keen 4 and Jane of the Jungle being played, but those titles are currently unlicensed. The company says all games on offer will be officially licensed, but isn’t confirming anything right now.

Related: Sony PlayStation Classic

“We don’t have a list of confirmed titles yet, but the goal is to provide all of the games that defined the PC gaming experience of the 80s and 90s,” the company says.

You can see the prototype in the video below:

The current prototype offered HDMI and composite video outs, while there’s also Bluetooth support. Unit-E, which makes arcade games by trade, will start a crowdfunding campaign soon. It plans to charge £99 (around £75) for the device, which it plans to ship next spring.

The big hope for this device appears to be in the option to add games via an expanded storage device like an SD card. Retro consoles like the PlayStation Classic and NES Classic Mini have been dragged down by a rigid selection of titles than cannot be expanded upon without cracking the console and adding pirated ROMs.

Can the PC Classic break the cycle and offer access to all licensed games?

Is this taking retro gaming a step too far? Or are you jonesing for some DOS gaming action? Drop us a line @TrustedReviews on Twitter.

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