The Shafee lawyer denies Najib accusing RM2.4 million


Leading counsel says that he and his client have not yet decided on counsel fees.

KUALA LUMPUR: Najib Razak's lawyer, Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, denied the statement of an Umno leader that he was accusing his client of RM 2.4 million . against the former prime minister, who faces four charges of breach of trust and abuse of power.

"We have not yet discussed fees," said senior counsel, questioned by Lokman, a member of Umno's Supreme Council. Noor Adam

Lokman had stated that a fund set up by Umno members to help Najib comply with the 1 million RM bond set by the High Court last week was not not enough to cover legal costs estimated at around RM 2.4 million.

Shafee heads the defense team with lawyers Harvinderjit Singh, Raj Krishnan, Farhan Read, Rahmat Hazlan and Farhan Shafee, while Attorney General Tommy Thomas heads the 12-member prosecution team.

bail [1 9659007] Najib charged with RM42 million CBT, abuse of power


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