The Texan team faces the Mariners in the race for Bolt


"The Australian team is in a better position than us," said Silva to the Stateman

"Financially, our proposal is far from the one [Bolt] has there." 19659002 "I think that we beat them on all other aspects of the proposal in addition to the financial, and we currently have our sponsorship team trying to meet local sponsors who could bring us closer to him. "[19659002] Austin is the second team After the Las Vegas Lights, to show interest in the eighth Olympic champion

While the Mariners want to launch Bolt through a six-week trial, Silva intends to offer her a long-term contract that would surpass football, placing him as spokesman for the team, the city of Austin and "all sports in the United States."

" Bolt is an icon.It is very confident and aggressive of his share of being the best athletic athlete in the history of sport, and leaving that and saying, "I will be one of the best in another sport". "Silva said

" It's very daring, if I can. It's the attitude we want from our franchise. "

Mariners remain stranded in talks with Bolt management but will not publicly comment on negotiations, claiming a confidentiality agreement is in place.


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