The wings of PAS youth organize a protest against Icerd


Youth wings of Umno and PAS plan to organize a protest tour against Malaysia's commitment to ratify the UN International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination racial (Icerd).

Umno youth leader Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki said the demonstration at the Masjid Jamek Mall and Sogo Shopping Center in the city center, which is attended by some 1,500 protesters, is only 'a beginning.

"We will continue to protest in other regions, and our intention is not to stir up the position of other races and religions, but to preserve the harmony between races."

"We do not want to be tied to international regulation that will ultimately disrupt the harmony and stability in this country," Asyraf told reporters after delivering his speech to the crowd in front of Sogo.

Co-organized by the two youth wings, the rally began at 1 pm when the protesters went from Masjid Jamek to Sogo singing songs.Tolak ICERD"(Reject Icerd) and"Allahhuakhbar" (God is big).

In addition to Asyraf, the PAS youth leader, Muhammad Khalil Abdul Hadi, several leaders of Umno, PAS and Malayo-Muslim NGOs were also present.

The crowd dispersed around 15:30.

In his speech, Khalil said that the opposition would continue to pressure the government for it to reject Icerd.

"Icerd was brought to the surface abruptly.We are worried about it.Not only them (Pakatan
Harapan) have not kept their promises, such as the abolition of the TPPT and tolls, but they have now evoked Icerd. We will continue to push them to reject Icerd, "he said.

S addressing reporters, Khalil said it seemed that the government had approved Icerd instead of looking into the high cost of living in the country.

"We reject Icerd because the constitution already protected Islam as the official religion and rights of the Malays, and at the same time, we are not persecuting other races and religions," he said.

Khalil added that although countries like Pakistan and Yemen have accepted Icerd, it should not be compared to that country because of the difference in political demographics.

On October 24, Minister of the Prime Minister P Waythamoorthy was quoted as saying that the government was determined to ratify ICERD and five other human rights treaties in the first quarter of next year.

Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said that the government would only ratify Icerd after negotiations with all races.

This had created a tumult among several groups, including Umno Youth, who felt that Icker was contrary to the Federal Constitution in terms of Bumiputera's special rights and was going to marginalize the Leadership Council.

Meanwhile, Asyraf said he called on Syed Saddiq, Minister of Youth and Sports, to speed up the dialogue on Ketuanan Melayu (Malay Supremacy).

Asyraf claimed that Saddiq had responded, asking to hold the dialogue in December after the end of the session of Parliament, but he had asked Saddiq to speed it up.

"I asked him to speed up the date, but he said to wait until the end of the Parliament session in
December. I said why wait for the end of Parliament? We can do it sooner. So now, I'm waiting for his answer, "he said.

Recently, the head of the Bersatu armada had D & # 39; agreement for a dialogue session to which he had responded on Twitter in response to an invitation from Asraf.

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