The world's oldest elected leader returns to Parliament for the first time in 15 years


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Malay legislators took their oath in parliament on Monday, including former prime minister Najib Razak, who was accused in the massive corruption scandal that led to the electoral defeat of his coalition.

The swearing-in ceremony of 221 legislators opened the first session of parliament after Najib. Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, the world's oldest elected leader at 93, made his return to parliament for the first time in 15.

Najib won his parliamentary seat despite the defeat of his coalition.

A legislator is disqualified only if he is found guilty and sentenced to more than one year in prison or a fine of more than 2,000 ringgit (US $ 494)

" I accept it because I want to serve people.I want to be a member of constructive opposition and play a role in ensuring that democracy in our country is meaningful and healthy, "Najib told reporters. when he asked him how he felt sitting on the opposition bench

earlier this month on charges of breach of trust and abuse of power, making him one of the few South Asian leaders to be prosecuted after losing office

. He took power in 2009 but accumulated billions of debts and triggered investigations in the United States, Switzerland and several other countries.

Mahathir reopened the 1MDB investigations that were smothered under Najib.

Najib denies any wrongdoing and has accused the new government of pursuing a blood feud against him. The police also seized jewelry and valuables worth more than RMB 1.1 billion (US $ 273 million) in properties related to Najib

US prosecutors allege that Najib's associates looted and laundered at least US $ 4.5 billion. Attorney General Michael Lauber said last month that the fraud could cost up to 7 billion US dollars.

Earlier, Najib and dozens of opposition lawmakers briefly withdrew from the appointment of the new lower house speaker, a retired judge. Najib said the strike was not a rejection of the new president, but the fact that the government had not given 14 days' notice to the House during his appointment.

Only one of the 222 deputies was absent for the oath, Interior Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, who is recovering from a surgical operation

– AP

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