Theresa May confronts the eurosceptic deputies on the Brexit plan | Policy


Theresa May will face angry Eurosceptic Conservative MPs on Monday as she urges them to unite behind her sweet Brexit before the release of the long-awaited government white paper. The pro-Brexit opposition of his party reacts violently, with MPs warning that they are ready to trigger a leadership race after the cabinet has agreed to support his vision of future UK relations with the United States. EU

Downing Street since the Summit of Checkers Friday, during which Boris Johnson said that his colleagues would "polish a poop" if they were trying to defend the plans at the party and the public.

May's most pressing challenge in the coming days, however, will be to try to convince a reluctant EU not to immediately reject its proposal, with a new round of high-level diplomacy scheduled for this week .

She should speak directly to European leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron, while Brexit Secretary David Davis will begin a tour of European capitals after the publication of the white paper Thursday.

"Our message is now from the other side, towards Europe, that it's time to be serious and to sit down and to have a good time. talk about it, "she said Sunday. "It's now up to Europe to be ready to sit down and negotiate the pace and discuss it seriously."

Some pro-Brexit MPs fear that the Prime Minister's plan will be considered a first salvo of Brussels and she will be forced to make further concessions, possibly on the free movement, before the next summit. ;October.

Michel Barnier, the chief Brexit negotiator for the EU, said that the EU was ready to adapt its offer in case of change of the UK's red lines. However, May has agreed to intensify preparations for a "no agreement" Brexit in the event that Brussels – which has described its earlier customs proposals as "magical thinking" – rejects them.

A conservative said that the government should take "a few more steps" towards the EU's position before a final deal is reached, even if it meant that the Brexiters were swallowing more pills bitter. "Behind the scenes, we recognize that there must be a little more movement on both sides," he said.

However, a source No. 10 said: "Yes, it's a negotiation, but it's not about making concessions, it's about challenging the EU It is a good, pragmatic and workable solution that benefits all our economies and also our citizens.It's time for Europe to become serious. "

May plans involve a" customs arrangement " facility "intended to remove the need for a hard border in Ireland, and the creation of a UK-EU Free Trade Area, in which the UK would abide by a" common regulation "of the UK's bylaws. # 39; EU.

However, she will have to make them spend her birthday first. She will make a statement to the House of Commons on Monday before facing a troubled meeting of the 1922 Backroom Committee.

  Michael Gove Speaks to Andrew Marr

Michael Gove told Andrew Marr: & # 39; One of the things about this compromise is that it unites the cabinet. »Photo: Reuters

Michael Gove, who helped get the leave support cabinet accepted by the proposals, urged pro-Brexit MPs to gather behind May, Sunday

. made in Checkers was not all that he had hoped for, but he honored the result of the referendum and the cabinet was behind him, which means that collective responsibility would prevail.

"Those of us who believe we want to run a real Brexit and who is the best deal for Britain, now have the opportunity to stand behind the Prime Minister to negotiate this deal. ", he told the BBC. Marr Show

"I am realistic and one of the things of politics is that you do not have to do the perfect enemy of good." One aspect of this trade-off is that it unites the cabinet

"We realized all the things we campaigned for to make sure we could leave the EU, but we do it in a way that respects some"

Since Friday, several Conservative MPs have added their names to a list supporting a vote of no confidence, although senior party sources have indicated that they do not expect that they will reach the 48

Conservative MP Andrea Jenkyns said that she would send "100%" a letter to the 1922 back-board committee to call a contest. "I would put the letter if these red lines were severely diluted and we had one foot in, one foot out," she said.

Andrew Bridgen, MP for North West Leicestershire, added, "I can not support the offer that has emerged at Checkers – I think it's a violation of the red lines … Obviously, if the government and the prime minister continue to support this bad offer then I will have no confidence in [them]. "

A pro-Brexit source told the Guardian:" It's terminal. think that this will lead to a larger split than Maastricht, on a more serious issue, with a smaller majority, and it is not Tony Blair who lies on the other side of it all, c & rsquo; Jeremy Corbyn, we think it's an absolute disaster. "

Most MPs who still support have welcomed the proposals as a reasonable starting point, adding that the" devil was in the details of the Brexit White Paper, although former Minister Phillip Lee Brexit, said that he r was an attempt to find the "least bad" option that was not in the best interest of the country.

Insider No 10 said, "We accept that there are pieces of this that people will find not to be all that they wanted, but there is more grief. that there will be uncompromising Brexiters who wanted it to be cleaner, but that's what we are now. "

Keir Starmer, secretary of Brexit, said that plans for May were unfeasible and a bureaucratic fudge. Starmer insisted that Labor would not take the option of a second referendum if Parliament votes on Brexit or the UK fails. to reach an agreement with Brussels, although he stressed that the party was not asking for a "popular vote".

But Barry Gardiner, International Trade Secretary in the shadows, a few hours later, pointed to the split on the issue that is emerging within the party, with a warning that supporting another vote could paralyze Electoral Chances of Labor

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