Three policemen allegedly extorted RM4k from a foreign worker


IPOH: Three policemen, aged between 30 and 40, were arrested after allegedly extorting money from a foreign worker who did not have the proper documents in Pokok Assam, Taiping , Saturday.

Perak CID leader, SAC Yahya Abd Rahman, said the trio was arrested after the victim, in his thirties, filed a police report following the incident

. "After the report, we conducted an internal investigation and found that it was possible to investigate further," he told reporters at the headquarters of the Perak police contingent in Hari Raya. , today.

"They were fired for three days until yesterday and will be released on bail after investigation," he added.

According to the victim, he reportedly remitted more than RM 4,000 to the police, but they were unhappy and wanted more. [19659002"L'affairefaitl'objetd'uneenquêteenvertudel'article384duCodepénalpourextorsiondefondsetuneenquêteseraouvertepourenquêtersurl'indisciplineetlesinfractionspénalesàleurencontre"didilajouté[19659003]. On another subject, Yahya said that there were no gambling halls in the state although the unions tried to reopen them.

"We closed two of these joints at Ipoh within four hours and eight hours after it opened last month." He added:

He was asked to comment on a tweet from the anti-crime activist Datuk R. Sri Sanjeevan that the police did not close an illegal gambling site in Silibin

Yahya said: "… the public should warn us of these activities rather than make them public. "

" It's not true that such gambling dens multiply like convenience stores. "

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