To facilitate Trump's trade war: $ 12 billion in aid for farmers


Meanwhile, the administration sought ways for the agriculture department to help farmers survive the pain of retaliation. As part of the program announced Tuesday, the ministry will rely on the financial resources of a program known as the Commodity Credit Corporation, which helps US farmers buy their crops.

The initiative does not authorize any new money and therefore no need for congressional approval, was a way for Mr. Trump to tamp down critics of his trade policy. But it was also an unequivocal signal that the President did not intend to lift its tariffs soon, as argued by the Farm Belt Senators.

The plan, first reported by the Washington Post, was quickly condemned by Republicans and traders. Groups who said that Mr. Trump had devised a costly and clumsy solution to a crisis of the proportions of the time of the Depression

"This commercial war breaks the feet of the farmers and the" plan "of the House White is spending $ 12 billion on crutches of gold, "said Sen. Ben Sasse, Republican of Nebraska." The tariffs and bailouts of this administration will not make America even more beautiful, they'll just do it again 1929. "

A commercial group leader said that farmers need contracts, not help, for stability.The best relief for the president's trade war would be to end the trade war, "said Brian Kuehl, executive director of the commercial group Farmers for Free Trade, adding, " This proposed action would only be short-term attempt to mask the damage in the long run cau bound by customs duties. "

Farmers' groups claim that their members have already suffered from falling global commodity prices and natural disasters, and the prospect of retaliation has once again fueled global markets. soybeans, meat and other US agricultural exports, and farmers warn that tariffs cost them valuable foreign contracts that took years to gain.

a bargaining strategy that will allow to the President to obtain better trade agreements, and that the suffering inflicted by tariffs is low in relation to potential economic gains.

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