Trump & # 39; open & # 39; in Moscow visit after Putin extends invitation


  Trump and Putin shake hands at the summit of Helsinki


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M. Trump called the Helsinki summit a success and was the first to invite Mr Putin to the United States

US President Donald Trump is "open" to a trip to Moscow after a surprise invitation from Russian President Vladimir Putin, the White House announced. conditions and invited Mr Trump to Moscow for a second meeting.

The couple met last week for closed-door discussions in Helsinki.

The invitation comes two days after the White House announced that it would postpone Mr. Putin's autumn visit to next year.

"President Trump looks forward to having President Putin in Washington after the first of the year, and he is open to visiting Moscow after receiving an official invitation," said Ms. Sanders in a statement. statement released Friday. in response to Mr Putin, who had said earlier at a press conference in South Africa that he was "ready" for a follow-up meeting with President Trump. "We are ready for such meetings, we are ready to invite President Trump to Moscow, I am my guest, I told him that," said Putin while speaking in Brazil, Russia, India and India. . China Economic Summit (BRIC) in Johannesburg, South Africa.

"I fully understand that President Trump wishes to hold other meetings and I am ready to come to Washington if appropriate working conditions are created."

million. Putin did not specify what would be the "conditions" to fulfill.

He went on to congratulate Mr. Trump, saying that he "strives to fulfill the promises, first and foremost, given to voters"

. The Helsinki meeting was successful, and Putin criticized the US summit for wanting to sacrifice US-Russian relations to the "narrow interests of the party".

million. Trump has attracted the attention of US intelligence agencies. far from blaming Russia for interference in the 2016 elections. Later, he said that he was poorly expressed at the top.

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] Last week, Mr. Trump had suggested that Mr. Putin should go to Washington this fall