Trump to avoid London, protesters with visit of the country palaces


Tens of thousands of Britons, joined by activists from all over Europe, are planning a "Resistance Carnival" to protest the President's perceived racism and sexism and his treatment of migrants.

Donald Trump. (Photo from Reuters)

LONDON: US President Donald Trump will avoid London as much as possible as he went on tour in British real estate in order to keep him away from the protesters during his visit to United Kingdom

. , the president will be taken to Blenheim Palace, the 300-year-old manor where World War II leader Winston Churchill was born. On Friday, he will meet with Premier Theresa May on her estate and then take tea with Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle, a family home of the Royal Family for 1,000 years.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of Britons across Europe are planning a "Resistance Carnival" to protest the perceived racism and sexism of the president and his treatment of migrants. Leo Murray, an anti-Trump activist, raised funds to pay for "Trump Baby," a six-meter-tall, helium-filled version of the chair with unusually small, layered hands and feet. He intends to fly over London

. ] "Restoring Fear to Racists"
"My slogan is" to give fear to the racists "Trump gave them confidence; I want to scare them, "said Mark Thomas, 49, who will join the protesters in the capital." The protest is not just about saying that he's not welcome here, but those of us who believe in an alternative must stand up for equality and justice. "

Trump's relationship with May was tense, despite being the world's first leader to visit him at the White House, the two never enjoyed a close relationship.He considers her as an authoritarian mistress, she has a hard time making herself heard on their transatlantic phone calls. -7 in Canada last month, he did not find time for a face-to-face meeting with May.

Trump irritated the British by re-tweeting the propaganda of a group anti-Muslim British far right., criticizing London's response to terrorist attacks and divulged and information on the terrorist attack in Manchester. Faced with widespread calls to cancel the entire trip, the UK has downgraded its visit, meaning most of them can be out of London.

The presidential visit has become a focal point for discontent over social issues anti-immigrant sentiment. Some parents plan to take their children out of school to participate in the protests

Summer Heat
A long episode of hot weather and hesitant negotiations over Brexit n? have done nothing to calm the spirits. Police fear protests will escalate as leftist and anarchist groups, reinforced by continental European militants, mingle with the crowd before agreeing to attack officers and militants. most important buildings.

London, Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire was deliberately chosen to impress Trump. Built by a grateful queen to its victorious military leader, the first Duke of Malborough, after the Battle of Blenheim in 1704, it is a triumph of opulent design. The ornate baroque mansion houses an invaluable art collection. It is here that Trump will meet with British business leaders.

The 2,000 acres of land will stifle the sound of protesters planning to gather at the door. Even inside, there could be a more subtle message for the president. In the Saloon, the marble and gilded hall in which the most formal dinners take place, a painting on the ceiling depicts the first triumphal Duke of Marlborough retained by a female figure representing peace.

Residence of the Ambassador
Trump will sleep Thursday night at the residence of the US Ambassador to North London, near the Central Mosque in London, which will call for morning prayer at 3:05. London Zoo is also home to lions and tropical birds. Protesters outside the residence say they plan to play recordings of crying immigrant children from the Texas border

Pro-Trump protests were also held, including a "welcome party" in front of the US Embassy. he hates the building. A pub in the west of the capital has changed its name to The Trump Arms for the weekend.

"It's much deeper than Trump; that's what he came to represent," said Luke Nash-Jones, 32, who runs a band called Make Britain Great Again. and organizes the event at the embassy. "We admire Trump for defending Western values."

Finally, The Queen
Friday Trump will meet May at Checkers, his retreat in Buckinghamshire, north of London, which dates from 1565. He is also surrounded by 1,000 acres of land , which facilitates the monitoring of planned anti-Trump events in the region.

Trump will then travel 23 miles to Windsor Castle. The Queen, who views Windsor as a home and recently hosted her grandson's wedding there, will likely be more relaxed than at her London residence at Buckingham Palace. While he is officially retired, Prince Phillip 97, who has a reputation for making politically incorrect jokes, can also join Trump and Melania.

That done, the president will board his helicopter and fly to Scotland. during one or two rounds of golf at his resort Trump Turnberry

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