TVET and Industry Commission necessary for more efficient coordination: Nurul Izzah


KUALA LUMPUR: The establishment of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Industry Commission is necessary to ensure a more efficient coordination of TVET, said TVET Empowerment Committee chairman Nurul Izzah Anwar.

She said the commission, among others, would function as the prime mover in efforts to enhance TVET by coordinating the seven relevant ministries in fulfilling the country’s needs for a skilled workforce.

“There are many ministries regulating the matter, so all these will be merged through a bill for the setting up of the TVET and Industry Commission.

“The Skilled Development Department (JPK) has been facing this problem for years, whereby to solve it we to go to the root of the problem, with Parliament as the highest body to regulate, Thus the need for JPK to be placed under Parliament,” she said when appearing as a guest in Bernama News Channel (BNC) “Ruang Bicara” programme last night.

Nurul Izzah said she was committed and focused on setting up the commission, as being done in others countries, such as the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) in the United Kingdom.

Under the previous Barisan Nasional (BN) government, implementation of TVET involved seven ministries, comprising the Higher Education Ministry, the Education Ministry, the Works Ministry, Youth and Sports Ministry, Rural and Regional Development Ministry and the Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Ministry, with the Human Resource Ministry as the coordinator. — Bernama

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