Vin Lananna resigns from Track Town USA, Oregon21


Vin Lananna resigns as president of the non-profit organization Track Town USA. In recent years, Lananna has actively campaigned to bring the 2021 World Athletics Championships to Eugene.

Lananna tells the Registry Guard that he feels "stretched" between his commitments to Track Town and Oregon21, two organizations built around athleticism growing in the state .

Michael Reilly is CEO of Track Town [19659004"Jepensequ'ilaunegrandeconfiancequ'ilaconstruitl'organisationcommeillesouhaitaitentredesmainstrèscompétentesJedirigelesopérationsquotidiennesdepuisuncertaintempsMaintenantnousavonsvraimentfaitbougerlesprogrammesetjepensequec'estvraimentuneformidableopportunitépourluideseconcentrersurcequivasuivrepourl'athletics"

Lananna saw a controversy after the & # 39; ads from Eugene as world championship This was notably a conflict of interest related to his position at USA Track and Field and a Department of Justice investigation into the Eugene's candidacy at the International Federation of Athletics.

He will continue to be Associate Sports Director of the University. from Oregon.

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