Vivo NEX should be a pioneer in the smartphone industry


Latest launch of Vivo in India, the NEX smartphone is equipped with the world's first sound projection technology and selfie screen, making it a precursor in the mobile industry

  Vivo NEX

Vivo is ready to be a trendsetter with the NEX series | Photo Credit: & nbspTimes Now

The recently launched Vivo NEX smartphone series in India boasts many "industrial firsts" such as camera pop -up and on-screen display design, in addition to 39, a host of other interesting features. Aimed at young techno-savvy users, the NEX smartphone features a full-screen display – screen / body ratio of 91.24. In addition, the unframed screen adds to the full screen display and is a major attraction of the phone. Vivo once again beat Apple and Samsung by launching the selfie lift camera that will surely attract the laurels. The Vivo NEX is equipped with the world's first screen-casting technology, which turns the display into a call receiver. This is in itself a revolutionary technology that will place Vivo as a forerunner in the smartphone category.

The NEX phone's pop-up selfie camera is hidden behind the screen and student while taking selfies. Once the image is clicked and the user changes camera selfie, it automatically retracts. In addition to being an important specification, the elevation camera has also facilitated the new design without a notch in the phone. Vivo NEX also comes with an ultra-full display display for an enhanced viewing experience. With a 6.59 "super AMOLED display, the screen offers maximum visual impact.Add to that the aspect ratio of 19.3: 9, which makes the phone as compact as a whole. ordinary phone 5.68 ".

Vivo NEX has thin frames measuring 2.16 mm on the top, 5.08 mm on the bottom and 1.71 mm on each side. The no-glasses effect is further enhanced by on-chip encapsulation technology (COF), which translates into a screen-to-body ratio of 91.24%. Speaking of technical specifications, NEX is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor that enables multitasking and improved the overall performance of the phone.

After first displaying the fingerprint scanner inside the previous phone – Vivo X21, the company has replicated the functionality of the NEX series. The fingerprint sensor is hidden under the screen, giving the NEX smartphone a very stylish and modern look. Special attention has been paid to the dazzling design of the phone, which is inspired by natural mother-of-pearl, giving a mesmerizing look.

Given the promising features of the latest launch of Vivo, the NEX is slated to set the future of smartphones, enhancing a few notches the consumer experience in terms of stylish looks and futuristic technology [19659009]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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