Wan Azizah denies that PKR has 2 & # 39; camps & # 39;


The party chairman says that PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim and other members have regrouped.

PKR President Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail says that no decision has yet been taken to defend his position. PKR chairman Wan Azizah Wan Ismail today exchanged allegations that there were two camps or groups in the party, one supporting the other and supporting her husband Anwar Ibrahim.

Wan Azizah, also deputy prime minister, said that her husband, who is PKR's de facto leader and party members, was moving under one camp.

"There are no camps … we are a camp," Hari Raya told reporters.

Recently, the party's secretary general, Saifuddin Nasution, had claimed that there were two camps in the party with a faction calling Wan Azizah to remain president while the other wanted that she resigns and makes way for Anwar, as part of prepara It was reported yesterday that political analyst Ainul Adzellie Hasnul said that he believed that both sides really existed in the party.

She was asked if she would defend her position in the party. Wan Azizah said the issue was still under discussion.

"Right now, I am the outgoing president, it will be a difficult election, there is no decision yet as to whether or not I should challenge, so I think (for the sake of it). moment) I will still challenge, "she said.

However, Wan Azizah said that no matter who could be named for any position. ] In the partial election of the state of Sungai Kandis following the death of his deputy Mat Shuhaimi Shafiei on Monday, Wan Azizah said that PKR already had a list of candidates and that the announcement was expected soon.

Mat Shuhaimi, PKR representative, defended the siege with a majority of 12,480 votes in a four-way competition against BN, PAS and PRM

Meanwhile, Pakatan Harapan is expected to hold a high-level meeting soon to decide to the final list of candidates for the post of President of Dewan Rakyat to be proposed to Parliament.

Wan Azizah stated that the initial list of party candidates had been submitted to Mahathir for review.

A decision on the speaker must be made before the first meeting of the Dewan Rakyat, which is July 17th.

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