Why did not Najib challenge the "global kelptocracy" tag?


PETALING JAYA: Former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was asked to explain to Parliament tomorrow why his administration had never protested or sought to erase the description of Malaysia as a kleptocracy World.

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions publicly condemned the 1MDB corruption scandal at an international forum as "the worst kleptocracy," said DAP counselor Lim Kit Siang (19459010).

"The sentencing of Jeff Session was a very serious matter because it was as good as an international indictment of the US government that Najib, the prime minister of that time, was named "Malaysian Official 1 (MO1)" in the US Department of Justice. (DoJ) litigation on 1MDB, as "kleptocrat at worst" on the world stage, "said Lim.

" I had continued to ponder the question of why over the past three years, the Najib government had not-and-crying in international forums to be unfairly viewed around the world as a global kleptocracy, launching even an international multi-party initiative at the United Nations and countries around the world to defend and erase Malaysia's reputation for infamy, ignominy and inequity of a global kleptocracy? "

The deputy of Iskandar Puteri has stated that it was imperative that Najib speak in tomorrow's debate in Parliament on the royal address and explain himself.

"Is this the reason why Najib has allowed other leaders and activists of Umno to give different and even contradictory versions of the famous RM 2.6 billion deposits in his bank accounts? personal? " "Perhaps, Najib could explain to Parliament tomorrow how he could congratulate the predecessors of the Islamic State, Isil or Isis, at the 20th anniversary dinner of the branch of Umno Cheras on June 24, 2014, in calling on members of Umno to imitate the bravery of the Isil / Isis terrorists, while he is supposed to be an example of an international warrior against the Islamic State, Isil or Isis? 19659007] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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