Man hospitalized after brutal Miami arrest escaped in custody


MIAMI – Police are looking for a man who escaped from a Miami hospital while in custody.

This man, identified as Leskeil Richards, was injured during an arrest Sunday in Miami.

He was back in hospital on Monday after suffering a seizure, his relatives said.

Police say Richards found a good time to flee from an officer guarding him late Monday afternoon at Jackson Memorial Hospital.

The officer continued but Richards escaped west.

Police have set up a perimeter in the area around the hospital. They found Shakeil’s shirt and a cast he was wearing on his arm.

Local 10 learned that around 8 p.m. Richards had not contacted his family, who said they were worried and fearful for him.

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Relatives of Richards, 25, spoke to Local 10 News on Monday evening.

“How did it happen,” said Ieshia Richards, Leskeil’s sister. “I am shaken.”


She is upset and worried after her brother was taken into custody following his brutal arrest and then managed to escape police custody in Jackson, where he was being treated and held.

“I don’t understand how it happened,” Ieshia said. “He’s supposed to be in a secure unit. I am just lost. I just hope he’s in his right frame of mind. Now I am worried.

The police consider Richards dangerous.

He was last seen wearing blue pants and possibly shirtless.

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