Man who suffered grizzly bear attacks for a week was rescued after being spotted by SOS | Alaska


It reads like the plot of a thriller or novel that turns the pages.

Man in Alaska was rescued, injured but alive, after suffering repeated attacks from a grizzly bear who kept returning to his isolated hut in the wilderness, from where he had no way of contacting the world outside.

The Anonymous Man’s ordeal was detailed in The New York Times, which described the story as “a week-long ordeal that could pass as a sequel to The Revenant.” It only ended when a Coast Guard helicopter, passing by chance, spotted the man desperately calling for help and having written SOS and “Help me” on the roof of his tin shack.

The newspaper said the man in his 50s or 60s was alone in a mining camp about 40 miles from the isolated town of Nome when he encountered the bear, who attacked him and dragged him to a river.

The man, who was armed with a pistol, escaped but then suffered repeated attacks for about a week. “He said the bear came back every night and hadn’t slept for a few days,” Lt Cmdr Jared Carbajal, one of the Coast Guard helicopter pilots, told The Times.

It was only spotted when the helicopter had slightly altered its course to avoid a few clouds. The helicopter spotted the man’s distress and quickly landed to find him with one leg bandaged and waving some white flag. The door to his tin hut had also been torn off.

“We don’t really meet people in the middle of nowhere,” said co-pilot Lt AJ Hammac. “He was sort of in trouble. When we arrived he was on all fours waving a white flag.

“He really looked like he had been there for a while,” he said.

The helicopter was en route from Kotzebue to Nome on a mission to take scientists to search for dead whales, walruses and seals along the coast.

“If we had been in the next river valley,” said Cdr Carbajal, “we would have missed him totally.”

The man is now recovering from his ordeal.


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