Manchin signals he will not support exclusion of filibuster for increasing debt


His. Joe manchinJoe Manchin On The Money – Presented By NRHC – Democrats Break Debt Ceiling Rubicon Biden Says He Would Sign Reconciliation Bill With Hyde Overnight Energy & Environment Amendment – Manchin Opens Door To Spending Bill from .9T to .2T PLUS (DW.Va.) said on Wednesday he remained opposed to changing the Senate legislative obstruction, undermining progressive hopes of using a rule change as an escape from a fight for the borrowing limit of the Senate. country.

“I have been very, very clear on my position on filibuster. Nothing changes, ”Manchin told a group of reporters outside his Senate office.

Manchin’s comments come as the idea of ​​an “exclusion” from legislative obstruction, which requires 60 votes for most laws, has gained momentum within the Democratic Senate caucus.

Democrats discussed the idea, along with other potential backup plans, at a closed-door caucus lunch Tuesday with the senator. Dick durbinDick Durbin Senate Democrats launch filibuster exclusion for debt ceiling Democrats want McConnell’s GOP to feel the pain of Manchin debt ceiling open to increased debt through reconciliation, excludes systematic obstruction PLUS (D-Ill.) Confirming that talks were underway.

And moderate Democrats, long seen as reluctant to change the rules, have indicated they will support it.

His. Mark WarnerMark Robert Warner Democrats insist they won’t back down on the debt ceiling. (D-Va.) Said he could support a “pause” on filibuster for the debt ceiling vote.

“There should be a way to break” the obstruction for a debt ceiling vote, Warner said.

But changing the legislative obstruction even just for a narrow debt ceiling exclusion was a hefty list for Senate Democrats, given the firmly established opposition to Manchin and Sen’s change to the 60-vote rule. Kyrsten CinemaKyrsten SinemaOn The Money – Brought to you by NRHC – Democrats Break Debt Ceiling Rubicon Overnight Energy & Environment – Manchin Opens Door to T 0.9-2.2 Spending Bill Democrats Insist They will not back down on the debt ceiling PLUS (D-Arizona).

To invoke the “nuclear option,” Democrats would need the full unity of their 50-member caucus and Vice President Harris as president to break the tie. On Wednesday, a spokeswoman for Sinema did not immediately respond to a question about her support for the creation of a filibuster waiver for the debt ceiling.

Manchin said as late as Monday that he did not view the filibuster changes as an option on the debt ceiling.

“The filibuster has nothing to do with the debt ceiling. Basically we have other tools that we can use and if we have to use them we should use them, ”Manchin said at the time.

Democrats are working to find alternatives to raising the debt ceiling. secretary of the treasury Janet YellenJanet Louise Yellen On The Money – Presented By NRHC – Democrats Break Rubicon Debt Ceiling Democrats Insist They Will Not Back Down on Debt Ceiling Schumer Warns October Vacation in Danger for the fight against the debt ceiling PLUS warned leaders they had to increase the country’s borrowing limit by Oct. 18 or risk a historic default.

Republicans are set to block a debt suspension bill Wednesday afternoon as they try to force Democrats to raise the debt ceiling through reconciliation, a budget process that allows them to bypass the systematic obstruction.

“For two and a half months, Republicans have provided a clear and consistent roadmap for the Democratic government to raise the debt ceiling,” the GOP leader said in the Senate. Mitch mcconnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnell On The Money – Presented By NRHC – Democrats Break Rubicon Debt Ceiling Democrats Insist They Won’t Back Down on Debt Ceiling Schumer Warns October Vacation in danger for the fight against the debt ceiling PLUS (Ky.) Said Wednesday.

“The Democrats have been given two and a half months’ notice to use the expedited party line reconciliation process which they have already used happily this year and already intend to use again,” he said. he adds.

But Democrats have so far ruled out that option, arguing that they previously helped suspend the debt ceiling under the then regime.President TrumpDonald Trump Biden Announces On The Money Arts & Humanities Endowment Nominations – Presented By NRHC – Democrats Break Debt Ceiling Rubicon Trump Backs Diehl For Massachusetts Governor, Slams ‘RINO’ Baker MORE.

Manchin, speaking to reporters on Wednesday, argued it was time for the Senate Majority Leader Charles schumerChuck Schumer Lifting SALT cap could cut charitable giving 92 jurists ask Harris to preside over Senate to include immigration in Schumer reconciliation: Congress must raise debt ceiling by end of week MORE (DN.Y.) and McConnell to start negotiating.

McConnell and Schumer did not negotiate the debt ceiling.

“I really implore the two leaders… to engage, to start working, to solve this problem,” said Manchin.

“We have a responsibility to be adults (…) we should not have these artificial crises,” he added. “Please lead, lead, work together. “

–Update at 12:22 p.m.


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