Many news that inspired Love, Death + Robots are free online


Last week, Netflix dropped the series of 18 episodes Love, Death + Robots, an anthology of animated shorts produced by Seven director David Fincher and dead Pool director Tim Miller. The tone and subject discussed are varied, ranging from mercenaries fighting Dracula to a thought experiment on the idiotic ways Adolf Hitler could have died in alternate delays. For source material, Fincher and Miller turned to existing literary short stories by well-known science fiction authors, including Marko Kloos, Alastair Reynolds, and John Scalzi.

With the rise of streaming services and the success of broadcasts Game of thrones, Amazon, Hulu and Netflix have quickly embarked on the adaptation of great science fiction and fantasy novels. Adaptations for works like Iain M. Banks » Consider Phlebas, Isaac Asimov Foundationand Scalzi Old man are all in the pipeline.

But if a long novel can be translated into a multi-season show, the genres of science fiction and fantasy are full of excellent fictional stories that are more conducive to shorter adaptations. In the middle of the growing popularity of anthology shows like Black mirror, The electric dreams of Philip K. Dickand Amazon Studios » loreit goes without saying that many filmmakers would look for shorter stories to adapt. In the case of Love, Death + Robots, some of these stories have been published online for the first time and can still be read without any form of subscription or registration. Others are only available in published collections.

Image: Aspect

"Sonnie's Edge" by Peter F. Hamilton first appeared in the ephemeral magazine New Moon in 1991. The story is part of a larger world that Hamilton calls the "Confederation Universe". Most of the related stories in this cycle are in his book A second chance to Eden. The story can be read online here, as part of an overview of this collection.

Love, Death + Robots Alastair Reynolds, British author, adapts two stories: "Beyond the fault of the aquila" and "Zima Blue". In the first, a spaceship crew lost in space thinks to be saved until it realizes that it is trapped in a simulation. In the second, an artist goes beyond his limits to discover himself. "Beyond the Divide of Aquila" was originally published in an anthology entitled Constellations: The best of British new SF, Zima Blue was first published in 2005 in a magazine titled Post Scriptum.

Both can be found in a variety of anthologies, including Zima Blue and other stories and Beyond the fault of Aquila: the best of Alastair Reynolds. Reynolds wrote in a blog post: "Although they're both almost 15 years old and I've written a lot since then, I have to admit that they're still part of my personal favorite stories. "

Image: Underground press

John Scalzi has three short adapted short stories in the series, two of which are available online. "When yogurt gets back on top: a short story" follows a genetically modified strain of bacteria that gains in sensitivity and claims the Earth. "Missives From Possible Futures # 1: Alternative History Search Results" illustrates the disproportionate results if Adolf Hitler had died in various ways in different chronologies. Both stories also appear in the collection Miniatures: The very short fiction of John Scalzi.

The third story, "Three Robot Experience Objects Left for the First Time in the Age of Humans," is not online, but appears in a recent anthology, Robots vs Fairies. On his blog, Scalzi notes that he was involved in the project in 2017, with "When The Yogurt Took Over" and "Alternate History" (alternative stories) taken up for the first time for adaptation, and with "Three Robots" Coming later when Scalzi shared it with Miller.

Love, Death + Robots also fits two stories from the horror writer Joe Landsale. In Fish Night, two street vendors encounter a surreal ocean in the desert; in "The Dump", a man protects his junkyard from his home against an official of the city. "Fish Night" appeared in various magazines and found itself online at The Zine of Horror. "The Dump" appeared in 1981 in Rod Sterling Twilight Zone Magazineand later in anthologies like Exceptional harvest and A little green book of monster stories. These seem to be exhausted, but the copies used are available online.

Ken Liu's steampunk story, "Good Hunting," was originally published in two parts in Strange Horizons back in 2012, and later finished in his acclaimed collection, The paper menagerie and other storiesIn 2016, when it was first published, Liu said he wanted to explore the limits of the genre. This story "begins as a fantastic fairy tale and ends with a piece of steampunk". On his blog, he says he found the adaptation fantastic.

Image: Marko Kloos

Marko Kloos, author of the excellent series of military science fiction Front lines, define its history Lucky 13 in the same world and self-published as an ebook on Amazon in 2013. The Netflix series also adapts to another of his stories: the short film "Shape-Shifters", focused on werewolf fighters in Afghanistan. He has just published the source story in the form of an e-book, under the title "Use of Shapers in Warfare".

Most news in Love, Death + Robots were written by men, with a few exceptions. The news of Claudine Griggs, "Helping Hand", was published for the first time in Lightspeed MagazineThe special issue "Queers Destroy Science Fiction" of 2015. It follows the story of an astronaut whose EVA turns terribly badly.

Other Love, Death + Robots stories can be found in Cohesion Press' SNAFU anthologies: "The Secret War", based on the news of David Amendola, is in SNAFU: hunters. The "costumes" of Steven Lewis are in SNAFU: Future Warfare (You can read the essence of the story in the preview of Amazon's book), and Kirsten Cross's "Sucker of Souls" is included in SNAFU: the survival of the fittest.

Finally, some of the stories are not online yet. These include Michael Swanwick's "Ice Age" story, available in his collection Tales of the old earth. (He noted that he felt that the "The adaptation remained remarkably faithful to the original story. And two short films – "The Witness" written by Alberto Mieglo and "Blindspot" by Vitaliy Shushko – were not inspired by existing stories.


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