Margot Robbie Talks About Sleeping With John Cena Cutout


“Sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the night and [gasp]. “

the Peter Rabbit 2: The Fugue The star said she had slept in a room with a John Cena cardboard cutout for two years before.

“I watched WWE when I was growing up,” she explained. “When I was a kid I loved The Undertaker. And then obviously when I was a teenager I stopped watching.”

“But then, in my late teens, early twenties, I had a boyfriend who was obsessed with John Cena,” Robbie continued. “So much so that he dressed as John Cena for his 21st birthday and had a cardboard cutout of John Cena in his bedroom.”

Due to their relationship, Robbie “slept in a room for two years with a life-size cardboard cutout of John Cena.”

“Sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the night and [gasp], and then I thought, ‘Oh, it’s just John Cena, it’s okay,’ “she laughed.

When Robbie first met Cena on the set of Suicide Squad, she wondered if she should tell him. Robbie thought maybe this would be “a weird way to start.” [their] working relationship and friendship. “

But “within five seconds of meeting her,” she decided to spread the wick.

“Now I know there’s not much weird going on with this guy,” she joked. And she’s probably right!

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