Mariah Carey finally has a magical moment in concert in Minneapolis


We waited 29 years – 29! – since his first album. And 26 years since his first tour. Yes, Minnesota counted. So when pop diva Mariah Carey debuted in concert with Twin Cities on Wednesday night at the sold-out State Theater, is it important that we waited maybe another 45 minutes in her show to really feel that voice?

Oh, that voice. Rich and tidy and reassuring. It was not Carey's fault. The sound balance was just not correct. The group of five musicians was too loud and his voice was not strong enough, often lost among his three excellent substitute singers. The group's overly-catchy bass, with its lingering echo, wiped out any appreciation of a series of songs from Carey's new album, "Caution," an intelligently refined collection of both soothing and sassy melodies.

After his "Caution" trip, Carey came out, coming back in a new red sequined dress, long, newly curled blond hair and a seemingly adjusted sound mix. Suddenly, Mariah! "My All" presented it to all, her most assertive and passionate voice, a beautiful ballad in Latin tones full of desire to spend another night with him.

Then Carey, who was chatty but wrote a script, explained that the next song came from her first album. The one that was published 29 years ago. "It's actually my very first single," she continued. And that's the reason why so many of the 2200 fans fell in love with the beautiful voice of the young woman at the premiere, which has become, 18 pop songs # 1 (only a number higher than the Beatles).

"Vision of Love" presented his remarkable instrument, his mediums seeming slightly raspier but slightly soulful. With his left hand resting behind his ear to improve his hearing, his voice rose to a religious declamation. And, true to her Carey style, she slipped the little girl to a real serious note and quickly turned her around, looking for a good cut of voice before lamenting at the end.

Mariah was in fi-yah, as we say when she is in this special vocal zone. That's what we expected 29 years.

The rest of the 85 minutes was not as rewarding. Carey is not much when it's about being an artist. While she struts and walks around the stage with high heels and tight dresses, she does not dance. She had four male dancers to give glittering energy and sparkle during a 1980s disco-y repeat of "Last Night, a DJ saved my life" from Indeep and "I did not want to light you up" by Cherrelle.

Carey made the necessary changes to her outfit, from a tight dress to a shimmering dress or a revealing leg outfit with enough rhinestone to make Dolly Parton envious. All the while, Mariah was shining her blingy butterfly rings.

Even if the production was surprisingly low budget for a glitzy icon that makes residences in Las Vegas (video projections, stairs not spectacular and unattractive), the 49-year-old New Yorker has perfectly interpreted the diva – and the mother.

While she cooed "Always be my baby," Carey showed videos of her young twins. And, near the end of the song, these twins, now 7 years old, jumped onto the stage, microphone in hand, and sang a little – before pecking on the cheek.

Speaking of pieces, while Carey was in the middle of her "Caution" segment, she stopped at the top of the stairs for what she called "a diva moment". She summoned her hairdresser and makeup artist – her "Glam Police" – on stage for a small editing.

"Is it too high?" Carey asked.

Not when you waited so long.

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