Marine marathon running for dead friends crawls to finish


A Navy veteran said that the men who died after the attack on their convoy in Afghanistan nine years ago were only thinking about the end of the Boston Marathon.

Their names were written on his hand, his shoes and his bib. Micah Herndon said it was their inspiration when he started running to escape the horrors of war.

Herndon said that he had never considered giving up, even when his legs had begun to yield about 6 km since the end of the race on Monday.

"It's the longest course I've ever traveled in my life," said Herndon of Tallmadge, Ohio.

He stated that his military training began when he knelt and crawled, sometimes pulling himself on his stomach, for the last 100 meters (91 meters).

"It was a bit second nature," he said Tuesday, one day after finishing his third marathon. "They encourage you to" adapt and conquer. "Any situation you find yourself in is what you do."

During the marathon, Herndon, 31, repeated the names of three men – Marines Mark Juarez and Matthew Ballard and British journalist Rupert Hamer – kilometer after kilometer.

Juarez and Hamer were killed during the explosion of a roadside bomb in January 2010. Ballard, seriously injured, died after returning home. Herndon was in this convoy, but his vehicle was not hit.

Herndon repeats their names as he trains or races, even when he looks strange to other runners.

Herndon, who was injured in another explosion in 2010, began running after returning home to deal with post-traumatic stress. He hopes to inspire other veterans.

"It's difficult to reintegrate into society and to be a civilian," he said. "My message to other veterans is to find whatever your release. My release is being executed. "


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