Mario Kart Tour is now live on smartphones, but good luck to be able to play it


Mario Kart Tower

Update (25th of September 09h20): As promised, Mario Kart Tower is now operational, but you may have trouble playing.

Loading the game at the time of writing shows the following screen, indicating that the game's servers are having trouble managing the launch on demand. We try to familiarize ourselves with the game itself since it went online at 9:00 BST and we have not had a chance.

Mario Kart Tower© Nintendo Life

The application revealed that Mario Kart Tour offers an optional paid subscription service. More details about this can be found here.

Update (10:30 BST): We have now managed to integrate the application in a relatively consistent manner, so that the early pressure of the server seems to calm down. Try for yourself!

Original article (September 24, 10:30 am, Paris time): A new era for Mario Kart is almost on us with the release of Mario Kart Towerand Nintendo celebrated the upcoming launch with a nice countdown.

For the first time, Mario and his friends will run on the track with a smartphone in a free game. We are intrigued by the development of the full version, in part simply to see how Nintendo and DeNA have managed its microtransactions and its overall structure, but also because it may well be our next little addiction of the Pokémon GO type.

If you have not already done so, you can register and pre-register for the game on the App Store and Google Play. It is scheduled to become playable around 1am on September 25 (9am / 10am CEST).

We recently shared some pretty "real" trailers for the game; be sure to check these if you missed them.

Are you going to try tomorrow? Tell us below.


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