Marion Cotillard talks about #MeToo at the San Sebastian Festival in 2021


Oscar-winning French actress Marion Cotillard spoke of the female-led “revolution” to shake up patriarchy since #MeToo started at the San Sebastian Film Festival where she received the Donostia Award for Achieving Career on Friday night opening.

“For several years now, the subordination of women has become increasingly unacceptable to the public; It has always been that way but we talk about it a lot more today, obviously, since #MeToo. It allowed women to express themselves freely, it’s a real revolution, an intense revolution and I’m very happy to live it, ”said Cotillard, who last played opposite Adam Driver in the musical drama. “Annette” by Leos Carax who won a first prize at Cannes. .

“Today, as women, we know that we can be supported by a community of women and men and that is an important thing. The result is that there are indeed more women, more roles for women, and the more we talk about them, the more it changes our outlook on them, ”she said.

Cotillard said “there are things that are no longer tolerated today. We did not accept before, but they were tolerated by a large part of the population.

“Today there is a big discussion and a reassessment of the patriarchal system in which we live, where women have a relative place,” argued Cotillard, who revealed that she greatly admired Greta Garbo because she was both feminine and masculine.

Cotillard also mentioned his character in “Annette” which won the award for best director at Cannes for Carax. She plays the role of a famous opera singer with a troubled family life. “I think we live in a different world than the 1940s or 1950s, when the stars were ‘built’ and their family life was denied,” Cotillard said. “Today having a family and a career is celebrated a lot more and things are more balanced – if we need to have privacy and a family, we can have it, with a career.”

The actor said that “having a somewhat normal life” is also the source of her inspiration and her “desire to play characters completely different from who (she is)”. “The more a character is different from me, the more I like playing the part.”

Cotillard, who is also in San Sebastian to present Flore Vasseur’s environmental documentary “Bigger Than Us” which she co-produced and narrated, said she got involved in philanthropic work because she “feels the need to fight a system, inequalities. “She said she also wanted to use her celebrity status to” highlight the work of artists or activists such as those portrayed in ‘Bigger Than Us’. “

Speaking about her ability to work in Hollywood and Europe, she noted that the Oscar she won for playing Edith Piaf in “La Vie en Rose” marked a turning point in her career. “There was a before and an after. This Oscar opened the doors to a more international cinematographic universe, especially British and American, ”she declared.

“I am from a generation that grew up watching American films (…) Even though I never really dreamed of making a career outside my country of origin, American cinema was part of my culture. There are a lot of filmmakers that I admire in the United States and more broadly in the English-speaking world and the Oscar gave me access to these people, ”said the actor, who worked with Michael Mann, Robert Zemeckis , Christopher Nolan and Steven Soderbergh, among others.


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