Mark Meadows says the “Cabinet Members” meeting at Trump’s Golf Club in New Jersey


Former President Donald Trump held meetings with “cabinet members” at his New Jersey golf club this week, according to a senior ally.

Mark Meadows, who was Trump’s last White House chief of staff, said work at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, focuses on ‘what comes next’ with regard to the 2022 election and 2024, after which Newsmax host Steve Cortes (himself a former Trump adviser) asked if he wanted to break news of his meetings with the former president.

“We met with several members of our Cabinet this evening,” Meadows said. “We actually had a follow-up member – a meeting with some of our cabinet members, and while we were looking at this. We were looking at what was to come next. I’m not allowed to speak for the president, but I do. Can you tell you this, Steve: we wouldn’t be together tonight if we hadn’t planned to move forward in a real way, with President Trump leading this ticket. “

Meadows didn’t name anyone involved in the meetings, but his use of the term “Cabinet” is causing waves at a time when some Trump allies are claiming, without presenting evidence of a real way forward, that the former president can be reinstated in the White House, including My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell.


“I can’t help but think about this interview. The former chief of staff speaks as if there is a shadow presidency (there isn’t) at a time when there is a conspiracy theory that Trump will be reinstated (he won’t) and as Trump urged some advisers to keep saying, ” tweeted New York Times journalist Maggie Haberman.

Trump has publicly insisted that the 2020 election was stolen due to widespread fraud, and after lawsuits challenging the results of the competition were dismissed by the courts, he applauded a push by the GOP to lead. “forensic” audits in states such as Arizona and Pennsylvania – even as federal, state and local officials say the election was devoid of malice that would nullify the results.

Washington Examiner Videos

Keywords: News, Mark Meadows, Donald Trump, New Jersey, Elections 2022, Campaigns

Original author: Daniel Chaitin

Original location: Mark Meadows says the “Cabinet Members” meeting at Trump’s Golf Club in New Jersey


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