Mark Wahlberg On Consuming 11,000 Calories A Day For His Upcoming “Stu” Movie: “It Wasn’t Fun”


It’s exhausting to play a boxer turned priest.

On Thursday, Mark Wahlberg appeared on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” and spoke about his new role in the upcoming movie “Stu”, which required him to put on weight.

“Unfortunately, I had to consume, for two weeks, 7,000 calories, then for another two weeks, 11,000 calories,” said the 50-year-old woman. “It’s such a difficult physical thing to do.”

“Losing weight is just a bit tough, you don’t eat and exercise,” the star continued. “And that, even when you’re full, I would wake up after a meal and have another meal. I ate every three hours. It wasn’t fun.”


Wahlberg also noted that gaining and losing weight for a role has become increasingly difficult with age.

“Once the metabolism starts to slow down, it gets really tough,” he admitted. “I was trying to make this movie for six years, we only had 30 days to shoot it, so I really wanted to make it happen. [I] was also crazy that I funded a lot of it myself. So I knew I was on a countdown at my expense, and you get things done pretty quickly when you do. “

In May, Wahlberg told Jimmy Kimmel he plans to gain 30 pounds in six weeks by eating a “20-piece chicken nugget and 20-piece Kentucky Fried Chicken hot wings with a six-pack,” cited by Men’s Health.

The mission seemed like fun for the actor, who is known for his no-frills training regimen – at first.


“I’m like ‘Dude I’ve been on such a diet for so long, I just wanna eat whatever I see,'” Wahlberg said. “I want to go to bakeries, I want to go to Denny’s, I want to buy pancakes. I want to have everything I can get my hands on.”

That month, Wahlberg showed off her transformation on Instagram.


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