Mark Zuckerberg has apparently tried to buy Panic, the creator of Playdate


Panic has been working for years on a variety of smart applications for Mac and iOS, including Transmit, a file transfer protocol and Fire picket, an adventure video game available for Mac. It is not unreasonable then that Zuckerberg turns to you. But, as Sasser has said Edge Magazine"Whenever I see a company in the software world popping up and doing something, it 's very interesting to me.Then they are immediately acquired by someone else and you do not have to. never again speak to them, that voice is gone, and it's killing me. "

If Sasser had replied to Zuckerberg and sold, it is unlikely that the developers of Panic created Playdate. If nothing else, Panic has created a truly unique device: besides being hand-put (thanks to Teenage Engineering), the console will receive new games every week. If the company had sold, she would have lost the opportunity to do something so original. As Sasser says to Edge"Maybe that's why we're placed on this planet: to be an example, you can move slowly, make sure you have enough money in the bank, do something good, and see what is happening, for the domination of the world ".


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